
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Anonymous dog opinion, one

I work at a library, and so many of the books I read, especially dog and dog training books, are borrowed there.  More than occasionally, one comes through Interlibrary Loan for me with a mini-review attached, given by a prior borrower's dog.  This first example is How to Get Your Dog to Do What You Want: a Loving Approach to Unleashing Your Dog's Astonishing Potential, by Warren and Andrea Eckstein.

I would like to note that while Elka has occasionally chewed inappropriate things, a book has never been one of them, much less a library book. Scandalous!


  1. Perhaps they didn't appreciate the creepy smile & awkward vest combination! :P

  2. I had wondered about that!

    That, and I'm not sure, but the expression on that corgi's face might be "I need an adult!"
