
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Elka's new toy! The Zogoflex Hurley

You might be thinking "how many toys can this dog possibly need?  She already loves Gumby, and loves tennis balls, has the Monster Mouth, and the Kong [which is already redundant]. That's it! Set for life!"

Well, that's a bit like asking me how many more books I intend to read. Or how much longer I'm going to spend on the Internet. Or what more I could possibly do in World of Warcraft or one of the new Fallout games.

Dogs, like people, need entertainment.  Dogs, like people, tend to like new things.  Old things get, well, old.  Boring.  You might revisit them, but why not have a new thing?  Especially if the new thing was on sale for half the usual price.  Especially if the thing is named after possibly one of your favorite Lost characters.
You'll notice on the item tag there, in green, it says "guaranteed".  According to the description on the site, "We promise to replace Hurley if it can’t withstand your dog’s chewing, one time only."  So, a limited guarantee, but better than nothing.  It certainly looked and felt reasonably sturdy and Elka-resistant, right out of the mailing envelope.  I must look like quite a strange person in the dog toy section in places like Wal-Mart, handling various toys to check the durability and see if they squeak.  We don't really cotton to squeaky toys in this house.  It's laughable, the material that many dog toys seem to be made out of; it might as well be paper, when it comes to a dog like Elka.

Elka did not go crazy for said Hurley, but she was reasonably interested in it.  It bounces in funny ways when you throw it to the floor, first of all, and that's a load of fun for me, anyway.  Sometimes Elka will try to catch things on the fly but, depending, she'll more than likely just watch to see where they land and run to pounce them.  It is, in fact, rather flexible and durable, as we promptly played Tug with it.

Once I didn't want to play Tug anymore, I let go of the toy and said "All Done".  Elka took her Hurley off and gnawed on the rounded ends some.  I didn't time her or anything, and she wasn't "wolf cracking femurs" enthusiastic about it, but I'd say she gave the toy a good long chew, and it doesn't have any damage to it in the slightest, not even cosmetic scrapes or scratches.  So we might not need that guarantee after all.  It also apparently floats, but I do not know if Elka does, so that may or may not be another dimension of fun should we go to a lake.


  1. Everybody needs new toys, especially when they are on sale!
    Glad Elka enjoyed her new toy! I look forward to seeing if you give it the float test:)

  2. Yes, we'll have to see how the float test goes! As Elka despises baths and is suspicious at best of creeks and puddles, the float test may in fact just be a picture of the Hurley floating in a lake. All alone. It will be very existential.
