
Friday, June 3, 2011

Book: A New Job for Pearl

Just a quick note and link, to the site where you can buy "A New Job For Pearl" (  The book was written by a second grade class in California, and their teacher.  Apparently, Pearl (since named the ASPCA dog of the year in 2010) is a black lab who got out of her back yard enough that her owners surrendered her to the shelter at which she kept being housed by Animal Control.  An individual looking for Search and Rescue dog candidates evaluated her and brought her home, and since completing her training, Pearl has done Search and Rescue work in Haiti, and in Japan.  The book was created to raise $10,000 to sponsor a search dog through the Search Dog Foundation, which most recently has done work in Joplin, Missouri. Each book is $10, plus $2.50 shipping, and sales are done through PayPal.

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