
Friday, September 9, 2011


Looking over my stats, I see several people come here by using the Google to search "mean Doberman".  I'm not really sure of the goal of that search; nobody's emailed me or posted any comments about being mislead by coming her.  Those kinds of searches suggest to me that a lot of people haven't really changed their mind about the breed, either, and are passing faulty information along.

The Doberman is not a perfect breed.  As is becoming my refrain, bad owners make bad dogs.  But the Doberman has the remarkable ability to make good decisions even when the people around are making bad ones.

Really, people make their own decisions. My blog posts are not likely to change somebody's mind, if they're already set in their thoughts about the Doberman breed.  But it kind of mystifies and irritates me that people are deliberately looking for the "mean Doberman".  I'm sure they're also looking for the "mean pit bull" and "mean dogo argentine" and "mean rottweiler" too, and I don't dig any of that.  What's missing from their lives, that they need a "mean" dog?  What do they think they would get out of something like that? 

Even a dog that is successfully protection trained is such because that dog 1. listens to commands and 2. knows how to make good decisions.  A dog trained to bite a person is also trained to stop the second the command is given.  In my mind, whatever that "stop" command is the most important thing for a protection trained dog to know; that off switch makes everything safe.  The dogs who are good at things like Schutzhund, if you watch videos of them work, are clearly having a blast.  It's the best game ever!  Hitting that bite sleeve and hanging on is like a big huge game of tug, something I know Elka loves a great deal.  The tracking portion is another game.  I know not everybody trains these things like games, and many people train them coercively (to the extreme), but even so, a working dog is not a mean dog; a working dog has a job to do.

So, folks, if you're here looking for a "mean Doberman", you've come to the wrong place.  If you want to learn about what the breed is actually about, stick around.  Look at my "Sites to See" section.  It's much harder to have a well-trained dog than to have an out of control dog.  Read up and learn some things about what the Doberman breed is like, instead of what movies (including Disney!) would have you believe. 


  1. I know exactly what you mean. The doberman is always portrayed as the "bad dog" in films. (except maybe Eyes of an Angel)
    It really drives me bonkers.

    If only people could see how sweet and loyal doberman are, they'd change their minds in an instant.

    One thinkg Kyuss has going for him is his red colouring and his floppy ears. Most people think he's a GSP or great dane. I love the surprise in their voice when I tell them he's a dobie. =D

  2. It's also funny to me that I have to tell people that I'm walking a Doberman. "What kind of dog is that?"
    "She's a Doberman."
    /significant pause

    Really? You're sure this breed is all ravening killers, and can't recognize one? Oh boy. I do get a kick out of peoples' surprise, though.

  3. Still it is good that they wind up on your blog. I am sure it will change some minds, and that is an awesome result.
    I have the same effect on my blog. Where people search for "hovawart puppies for sale" and land on my post "danish hovawart puppy mill active again". My hope is it serves as a warning sign for the person that is browsing the net for puppies.

  4. Yes, I definitely hope that they read at least a little bit, and start to think that maybe they've got some incorrect ideas. I definitely hope it works in your case as well; puppy mills and buying puppies purely online is bad news.

  5. My daughter breeds Italian mastiffs and has much the same reaction to her dogs. They are excellent guard dogs and excellent family dogs. I love being around them. People are amazed at my story of 120+ lb dog inching her way into my lap to stare into my eyes and lay her head on my shoulder. One of the males is very skittish, but once he learned how nice it was to be petted, he follows me all over and pokes me to get his head rubbed.

    I often take my Vizsla with to visit her. One time a customer came over and guess who got locked up for intimidating the customer? Yep, the Vizsla. As you noted, labs and other dogs are fully capable of biting also.


  6. Vizsla's can be intense! There were two who lived in my neighborhood, and the owners permitted them to just kinda...wander around. They were good boys, though, not pushy, just curious.

    It's always the big dogs who want to be lapdogs, isn't it? Seems that way, anyway! It started with Elka when she was a puppy and, well, we never stopped. It's worked wonders for my arm strength!

    I just wish people would educate themselves, both about breeds and dog behavior. It tends to be pretty apparent if a dog means one harm, unless the warning signs have been punished out of them.
