
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Monday Mischief January 23

Elka has a game that she plays.

When she gets to the top of the stairs, she dances around on the landing, "defending" it. She spins, she bows, she paws, she shakes her head around. It's a good deal of fun! I've tried to capture accurate photos of it, but the camera makes her a little shy. Still, there are some, and you might get the gist. Enjoy!

All done!

My Brown Newfies


  1. Do all Dobies dance with their entire bodies? I know Justus is a Dobie/Hound mix but when I bring out a leash, he looks like these photos of Elka! He will sit and let me attach the leash but he is wired to go :). HA. Dance away, Elka!

  2. I can't believe I just found your blog! I'm so excited to catch up, it sounds like we are basically the same person. Yay!

  3. @Roberta I think they might! When she gets into full mood, she wags herself so hard that she bends practically in half, with tail wagging independantly, ears airplaned, and frequently a toy in her mouth that she Vader breathes around.

    @Pit Bulls and Patience Are we? That's really cool....Looks like we each have a blog to catch up on!

  4. Sounds like a 'Happy Dance' to me!
    I want to let you know that I enjoy your blog and seeing the captured moments you choose to share. I believe you deserve the Creative Capture Blogging Award so please enjoy the fact that someone out here in the blogosphere appreciates your photo captured moments, posts, and blog. Stop by to get your badge if you would like to show others your award status. There are no rules for this award. No stress or pressure. Just a simple award for you and your blog. Keep blogging, keep photographing, and keep sharing. Congratulations! : )
    Award Info:
    Just Ramblin’

  5. Definitely a happy dance! Cute photos!

  6. How funny, what a great looking dog.

  7. Love the close up of Elka's nose :o) Oh and fab hoodie too!

  8. Elka is so funny!! I love her Little Red Riding Hood outfit! :)

    Maybe we can get a video of her special dance? :)

    Have fun buddy,

    Your pal Snoopy :)

  9. Looks like she is having fun! Love the photos.

  10. Hi Y'all!

    What wonderful pics! She really looks great in her red coat.

    Y'all come back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  11. @just ramblin' A blog award! And for my pictures! I really didn't expect that to happen, thanks so much!

    We do have a lot of fun with the hoodie, and with the happy dance! I did have a video of it from when she was a puppy but, alas, it was lost when I switched cell phones.

  12. Love this! I know this dance well...Arie does it strangely enough when I'm doing laundry. When I'm carrying a laundry basket, she start "dancing" around me and defending the next space, but still backs up as I walk to where I need to go. I love Elka's sweatshirt! So cute!
