
Monday, January 9, 2012

Monday Mischief, January 9 2012

This is going to be one of those posts where mostly,  the only bad thing is my photography! I guess to people who are horrified of dogs on furniture, it's mischievous.

Last week, I did mention that it was so very cold for a few days. The cold makes me sluggish, and lazy, and really, I just wanted to park it on the couch and play video games or watch movies. And Elka, with her love for being warm and snuggling, obliged as well.

First she was under the little fleece blanket as well, but then shifted to this:

Then, after some time passed, she got up and turned herself around:

Then, finally (maybe she was warm enough?), the old "head up the back of the couch" pose:

I took these with my phone camera, so I do apologize again for the quality. I didn't want her to get up before I got the pictures, so I stayed put and just reached for the phone!


  1. Elka looks pretty comfy just veggin!!

  2. I know all about camera phones - most of the pics my Mum takes are on her phone - she has to turn the sound off or I get all excited when I hear the camera click!!

    Elka looks like the perfect buddy for snuggling up with and watching movies - room for another? It looks nice and cozy!! Tee Hee

    Your pal Snoopy :)

  3. OMG...a dog owner horrified by dogs on the furniture? They would pass out if they came to our house :) Happy Mischief Monday late!
