
Monday, January 30, 2012

Tasty Tuesday: Happiness is a Monster Mouth

Teaching Elka "Where's your Kong?" and "Where's your Monster?" have been pretty easy, all things considered. You know why?  When she brings me her Monster Mouth, or her Kong, we get excited, and then we go to the kitchen, and then we stuff it!

As I put in treats, and kibble, and smoosh peanut butter down on top of everything to make it last longer than five seconds, Elka will stand in the kitchen doorway, watching me intently. Then I hold it out to her and say "Take it", which of course she does. Then I say "On your bed or on the floor", which we enforce pretty strictly. No couches with the peanut buttery treat dispensing toys (at least when they're fresh)!


  1. Ha if every time Mesa brought me a Kong I stuffed it I would constantly be getting Kongs

    Stop on by for a visit

    1. Well, it's one of those things that you fade..... ;)

  2. Pretty complex stuff: distinguishing objects on cue! Congrats on that success. :D

    I absolutely loved teaching Elli Lobster vs Panda, Paw target vs Nose target, Left direction vs Right direction, Over vs Under and Back Up vs Forward. There are so many opposites just begging to be trained!

    1. Well, she love love loves Gumby, so I figured I'd capitilize on that!

  3. Woof! Woof! Happy Tasty Tuesday! Oh KONG is my favorite toy caused you can stuffed it with Tasty Treats. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

    1. Destuffing and Tasty Treats are two of Elka's favorite things! The Monster Mouth is becoming an evening routine...the weather's been so cruddy at our normal walk time, we've missed a whole lot! Have to dragin that energy somehow.

  4. That mouth toy is cute! I have never weven seen those. Koly LOVES to destuff a toy like a Kong though. I'll have to keep my eyes out and see if we can find one!

    1. I got Elka's Monster Mouth at Tractor Supply, I've never seen them anywhere else (other than online)!

      I got one for my cousin, who has a rescue greyhound and a rescue pitt bull. Last I heard, it didn't have its teeth anymore, but other than that, had held together far better than any other toy yet!
