
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Tasty Tuesday: Cow Ear

I may have mentioned, I don't give Elka rawhide anymore.

The chemicals used strip the hide are suspect, the stuff itself is not exactly digestible, there's a risk for blockage, they're treated with irradiation and that weirds me out...the list goes on. Additionally, there's rumors about that Wal-Mart's Exerhide rawhides have caused seizures and things in dogs.

Occasionally, though, I still get Elka a cow ear. It looks remarkably like rawhide, and I should probably look more into the process that goes into them as well, but the one I bought seems to have been made in the US, which is good.

Also, there's so much going on. Let's see: Happy Valentine's Day!  Also, congratulations to GCH CH Protocol's Veni Vedi Vici for her Best in Breed at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show this morning! Otherwise known as Fifi, this Doberman also (I'm told) has her SchI, and will trial in that further after she retires from the show world.  Looking at the Breed entry list for 2012, many of these Dobermans, in addition to being conformation Champions, have some Rally and Obedience titles as well.  It's nice to see some of those titles "front and back" on working dogs! 

Here's hoping that Fifi brings  home the Working Group win, and then on to compete for Best in Show later today!


  1. We don't give our dog rawhide either, mostly because she devours the whole thing in one go and then gets sick. Real bones and antlers are just better for her anyway.

    Lots of luck to Fifi!

    1. We haven't tried deer antlers yet, the ones I've seen at stores here seem super small, which isn't good either.

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    1. Thanks for stopping by! I like the pictures on your blog ^^
