
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Monday Mischief, March 12 2012

I don't frequently read advice columns (funny, because I've obviously got no problem handing it out, right?) but my coworker called my attention to March 10th's "Dear Annie".

In it, a person wrote that her sister showed up with her two dogs, unannounced, said she was staying for a week. The writer does not have dogs, and did not want them in her house, and said that her sister has a truck that the dogs "stay in while she travels".

Uh, what?

This woman loves her dogs enough that she wants them with her always, but then will willingly leave them in the truck when they're not wanted in the house? I mean, the article is sketchy on the details, so this could be a pretty righteous dog truck, for all we know. It could have a remote starter, so that it could be securely locked while the owner is away, and the heat (or AC) could be running to keep the dogs comfortable. That's the best case scenario.

Worst case? Those dogs are going to die of extreme heat while paying one of her "visits" in the summer. It's March, but it's been cold lately, and yet this is still the first thing I think of. Even if the weather is mild, they'll be bored, cooped up without exercise, without interaction from the human that they probably love very dearly indeed, and rock the truck with their enthusiasm when she comes back.

Annie's advice was reasonable. Make sure your pets are welcome, or don't inflict them on people. You probably ought to make sure you're welcome as well. Sometimes people say "drop by anytime", but don't necessarily mean it. So, dropping by, "for a week", with your two dogs? Not the best call. But to just leave your dogs in the car isn't all that awesome either. Our dogs don't have a choice in the matter; we need to make sure that they're on their best behavior, or at least their most acceptable, and we need to advocate for them. Nobody else is going to make sure that they get a fair deal.


  1. Hey Elka, Jet here. Oh my... not a good situation at all... on either side... totally agree, can't leave a K9 in a vehicle... and human should have better manners...

    1. You really have to assume the dogs' manners aren't so hot, if the owner's manners are what they seem to be. Still no excuse!

  2. Ya, lots of good points there. Poor pooches stuck in the truck, and you should always ask when traveling with dogs.

    1. You should definitely always ask! I wonder if maybe she assumed since she was family, her sister would just be okay with it?

  3. Not a good situation at all! If you are going to travel with your pets than it's your responsibility to make sure they are welcome too!

    1. I guess a lot of people are lacking in responsibility these days :(

  4. Wow!! It sounds like some people don't really think things through - sure it would be fun to go travelling but only in the right circumstances….

    Great post,

    Have a fun day buddy,

    Your pal Snoopy :)

    1. It is nice to go places and see people and things...but that's some price to pay.

      Thanks Snoopy!

  5. What is she thinking? If indeed she travels with them always, I do hope they have the best scenario truck.
    Love Elka's nose :).

    1. Maybe she "can't stand to put them in a kennel" (my speculation, all I'm going on is that letter). Some owners are like that, and it's the dogs that pay the price.

      I sort of think of that as Elka's "scholarly" face. Or "the moral of the story...."

  6. Well I hope that they have the bombdiggity of all dog trucks! Geeze, not a good thing in my book!


  7. There are ways you can fix your vehicle up for dogs and there are also boxes (very expensive) that you can put in the bed of a pick up truck or in an SUV to keep them. They have ventilation and water. In a crash they are about the only thing that will actually keep a dog safe. If I had the $$$$ I would have one. :)

    But I do agree it is best not to inflict pets on people who don't want them.

    1. I'd never heard of those boxes, that sounds really neat! Maybe she has one of those (it's nicer to imagine the best case scenario, since worst-case can't be helped)!

  8. We like to go places too...but we make sure we are invited...not everybody likes big Airedale dogs...REALLY, What?

    Wyatt and Stanzie

    1. That's really what I thought! And my coworker, who pointed out the letter to me.

  9. Running from the law, maybe?

    1. Ooh, I didn't think of that.

      Now I've got the song "Renegade" by Styx in my head.

  10. Wow, I would never think of dropping by someone's house with my dogs, especially if they didn't have dogs themselves. Could you imagine? and leaving them in the car is just wrong, unless of course it is best case scenario!

    1. The only time I've ever "dropped by" someplace with Elka is when we were out on a walk and kind of had an invite anyway. She stayed on the leash, and we didn't stay too long!

  11. that last pic is priceless... and pretty much sums up the idea of leaving pooches in cars =P

    1. "The moral of the story..."

      (that's what I say in my head when I see it.)

  12. so many questions: why are people crazy? why are people stupid? why are people rude? why are people oblivious? etc. etc.

    le sigh...

    1. All very good questions, that I frequently shake my head and sigh over.
