
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Title Talk

I've been thinking about title lately.

Ebook titles, not Titles to go after (or before!) Elka's name. I've got a few in mind I figured I'd run by you, my lovely readers. Tell me what you think about any one of these, and feel free to suggest ones I haven't listed! I do have a hard time coming up with titles.

My goal is to have something that catches attention, obviously. I would also like to mention the Doberman, but not make it look like this dog training ebook is DOBERMAN ONLY. I'm sure what I've used to train Elka will train other breeds just as well.

So, my thoughts so far:

Take it from a Doberman: Helpful Hints for Other Dogs

Doberman Wisdom for Other Dogs

Keeping your Owner Happy

A Dog's Guide to Owner Training

5 Things my Doberman can do: now teach your dog!

Some of them seem kind of dorky. I don't really know. Thoughts? Thanks! You can even email them if you feel too dorky to comment.


  1. I definitely think that if it is aimed at all dog lovers, then using Doberman in the name is probably not the best idea. I know that if saw a book that was called "doberman" anything, I wouldn't give it a second look.

    Unless maybe it was something like "Elka the Doberman's Guide to Training Your Owner", but then, I would prrobably expect much of the book to be written "by Elka", you know? MAyb something like "How My Dog Trained Me: Wisdom learned from my Doberman"...

    ACK! I'm no good at this!

    1. I do agree using "Doberman" at all would make it seem more exclusive than inclusive, and I definitely want everybody to think that it applies to them. I just feel so left out sometimes, with all the border collie books and lab books and whatnot.

  2. Aww I like "A Dog's Guide to Owner Training"! CUTE! Owner training is the biggest secret to dog training. ;) Plus, it's not what people expect in a title.

    1. That one might be the ringer, I'm not sure yet!

  3. I agree that training owners is the real secret to training dogs.

    1. If we could just stop being so confusing, dogs would pick right up on what we wanted!

  4. "A Dog's Guide to Owner Training: Elka the Doberman Shares Wisdom for All Dogs"

    I understand wanting Doberman in the title but I agree - as the fist title, I may pass it by but as an explanation, I could find it amusing and I like the take on "owner training" vs "dog training."

    In reality, personally with Justus, I do read anything Doberman.

    1. I think using "owner training" might be a good in joke for me, a play on the intelligence of Dobermans. I'm definitely on the way to admitting to myself that "Doberman" in the title is probably not going to be the best-sellingest!

      (They do make us crave knowledge about them!)

  5. Hi Y'all,

    Definitely "A Dog's Guide to Owner Training! Love the title from Roberta@Silverwalk! We, the pawed ones, always win in the end! We know how to get what we want, even using your (human's) rules. ;)

    Just hopped by to catch up on your happenings and say hello! Have a great weekend!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

    1. Thanks for stopping by!

      I do think that might be what I go with, or a permutation thereof. I'm sure I'll post again about it!

  6. Book titles tend to have a certain flow. How about combining two of yours with something like,

    "Take it From Elka: A Doberman's Guide to Owner Training."

    Maybe play around with that kind of format and get something you like that will also catch the attention of the reader.

    1. Maybe I'll write it out on Index cards and have Elka pick them. The order she gives them to me is the title I'll pick!

      (that could possibly work...hmmm...)

  7. "Doberman to Owner: Sit. Stay. Learn!" Rumpy's idea is good, too

    1. I like that! I also like Rumpy's idea.

      See, brainstorming is good!

  8. I like the 5th one. I think id you put a specific breed in the name, you might limit the audience.

    1. Yeah, I agree. I do want a wider audience appeal, and not for Doberman people to be all "pfft, what does she know?" Then nobody'll buy it!

  9. Yeah, not really. But you tried!

    (can you imagine me using "OMG"? Srsly?)
