
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Liebster Blog!

Oh boy, are we in trouble.

Well, I'm in trouble. It isn't Elka's fault.

You see, waaaaay back on January 9, Pennypup from Dobermann Daze was so kind as to give us the Liebster Blog award. I'm wondering if she's regretting it at this point! I don't recall what it was I was doing in January that was sooooo important that made me forget to acknowledge this, and pass it on.

But wait, it gets better. Or worse.

So then, on March 5, Katherine at Life With Arie gave it to us as well!

I thanked both lovely bloggers in the comments on their entries, and in March, I even said "Gee, somebody gave me this, I haven't gotten to it" and still didn't get to it! Geeze, they're going to take my stripes or something. I really am sorry, fellow dog bloggers (which we may or may not want to shorten to "dloggers", but I'm not sure it'll catch on). I do appreciate you! So, with no further delay:

The award is given to bloggers who have less than 200 followers and deserve recognition. The rules are as follows:

  1. Thank your Liebster Blog award presenter(s) on your blog
  2. Link back to the blogger (s) who awarded you
  3. Give your top 5 picks for the award
  4. Inform your top 5 by leaving a comment on their blog
  5. Post the award on your blog

It could be worse. Some of these blog awards want you to pick fifteen people. I follow a lot of dlogs, but fifteen people with fewer than 200 followers? I think I'd be combing through for a little while, there are some popular folks out there!

So, my five:

Houndstooth, over at Tales and Tails. Always accompanied by lovely pictures of the crew (Bunny, Blueberry, Morgan, and Kuster), Houndstooth's entries range from informational to touching to just plain entertaining. Bunny and Blueberry are retired racing greyhounds, Morgan is the grown up German Shepherd, and Kuster is the newcomer German Shepherd, a puppy in Search and Rescue training!

Puppymomma, at The Life of a Puppy Momma. Suvi is her baby, but Pablo and Ramsey are being permitted to share that spot as well, it seems! I'd known about Ramsey and Pablo before, as they are a Youtube famous Doberman and Chihuahua duo, but the addition of Suvi has brought them into the blogosphere, and I love hearing about all three (and seeing the pictures)!

Lauren, at Life With Desmond. Lauren is also the Long Island Dogs Examiner, which gives her further doggie cred, and she talks about diet and dog products and all manner of other things that your heart could desire on the topic of dogs and dog stuff!

2BrownDawgs, which is actually now a misnomer, as they have Thunder, Storm, and Freighter! Freighter is the latest addition, but all three are Chesapeake Bay Retrievers, trained (and training!) as hunting dogs.

Dachshund Nola is a fun dog blog of doggies things, doggies goings on, and of course pictures! I've noticed this is a theme with blogs I follow (and give awards to). I really need to step up my photography game!

So there we have it. Hopefully there are no hard feelings from my award-givers, hopefully my awardees are happy, and all is right with the world!


  1. Bad memory is something I can SO relate to :-) There always seems to be 15 things to do and time for only 10 or 12....

    1. And then by the time you get to number 9, you think "well, if I just get up early tomorrow...."

  2. Hehehe! It took me a little bit as well to post about it, so don't fret!

    I'll have to hop on over to those blogs and have a looksee!

    Love the new blog look by the way!

    1. I really didn't mean for it to take this long! It's kind of comical at this point.


  3. Those are some blogs I haven't seen in a while--I'm going to have to go take a look!

    Don't feel bad; I put off posting about a few awards for about 6 months...and then I posted about a whole bunch of them together, and didn't follow the rules. So you are hardly the most negligent blogger among us :)

    1. Hah, well that's nice to know. I do try to be diligent! Key word, as always, is "try".

  4. Congrats on your award and thanks for sharing. :) I will try to get a post up soon.

    1. Well, as discussed, you have a few months leeway ;)

      You're welcome!

  5. Thank you and congrats!
    Dachshund Nola

    1. You're welcome! I thought you'd like it ^^

  6. I think we've all had the belated blog award response, am I right? I've got one I still need to post about that's about a week old now (shame on me!!!) so I'm right there with you. :)

    1. I think I"ve pretty much been belated every time! It really makes it look like I'm all scheduled up for entries, doesn't it? ^^

  7. thank you so much, jen! and congrats on the awards that went your way!

    1. You're welcome! I'm glad you're happy about it. Some of the blogs I read, and enjoy, don't really seem to be the "play with awards" sort (though I could always be wrong!)

    2. LOL! i'm probably waaaay overly proud of my little blog awards. :-)

  8. Thanks so much! You do such an awesome job of networking, I'm trying to take some lessons from you. Appreciate all of the support in terms of comments, and especially this award! My posting is up, though I'll have to wait until the weekend to go share with all of my nominees! Have a good one!

    1. I'm still kind of new at this (well, a year in. Wow, where did that go?) so I've been learning as I go! Thanks, though, that really made my day!

      I do really enjoy your posts, and pictures!
