
Monday, April 2, 2012

Monday Mischief April 2 2012

This Monday's mischief was not done by me, or Elka, or anybody in our house, in fact.

This Monday's mischief maker is Nylabone.

That's right. Nylabone has made a rubber stick. That they're charging $8.97 for (at Wal Mart, anyway). I understand that dogs may suffer injuries chewing on real live wooden sticks that they find in the dangerous Outside. And I would buy a delightful rubber stick, were it not nine freaking dollars. 


  1. Nylabones are pricey, but they tend to hold up well.

    1. I only ever bought the one for Elka, and after she gnawed the ends rough, it was cutting up her gums, so I threw it out. Granted, it took her awhile to get to that point, but I'm pretty unsatisfied with a product that makes my dog bleed, although we could call it user error, perhaps ^^

  2. Years ago I bought nylon Nylabones for my dogs. They promptly went in three directions to hide these yummy toys. I haven't seen them since.

    $$$ wasted.

    1. Oh how funny. Maybe they're under a couch, to "season"?

  3. WOW. That is an expensive stick, wonder how much the tree is it came from, BOL!


  4. How did the toy hold up?

    Stop on by for a visit

    1. I didn't buy it....I just couldn't countenance spending that much on a "maybe I'll throw it right in the garbage".

  5. Unless it's one of their extra durable toys, that seems a little excessive. I've had to adjust to paying out the... well, paying a lot, for toys that stand up to Arie's teeth---however---when I pay that amount I expect 1) durability 2) a warranty and 3) AMAZING reviews from previous buyers.

    Somehow, I don't think this rubber stick is going to hold up to that.

    1. I couldn't really tell.

      Frankly, I'm surprised I don't get weird looks or something, with the time I spending the dog aisle handing the toys, testing to see if things squeak, reading ingredients. I sometimes wonder if store employees talk about me!

  6. Now I am feeling a little sheepish. I have totally bought a rubber stick for my dog before. Not this one, it was some other brand, but it lasted all of five seconds in my dogs jaws. Real outside sticks last a good thirty seconds longer.

    I am an idiot.

    1. Aw, you're not an idiot. My first impulse was, in fact, "Ooh, a rubber stick! I have to buy that! That way Elka can have a stick and it won't make a mess in the house!" Then I saw the price tag and went "waiiiiiit a minute".

      (probably if I hadn't paid an undisclosed too-high amount for that stupid tennis ball that she destroyed, I would've bought the stick!)
