
Monday, May 7, 2012

Monday Mischief: Doberman imposter?

At the park yesterday, a lady looked as us walking past and said "Greyhound mix?"

I paused, and said "Purebred Doberman."

She frowned and walked closer. "Are you sure?"

I said "Five generations sure."

"Oh. Well, I used to have a Doberman. He just wasn't that skinny. Well, I don't mean skinny."

"No, you mean the tuckup. It's all right."

Then we stood for awhile, and we had Elka sit so that she and her very tiny daughter could give her treats. I'm still not sure if she believed me, but there you  have it. 


  1. People crack me up when they try to tell someone with purebred dog that they're dog isn't that breed.

    I get it all the time with Arie "Oh, what a beautiful Huskey!" "Thank you! She's actually a White German Shepherd". "I've never seen a white shepherd...I think she looks like a huskey though." you now?

    It's sweet that Elka sat and let the little girl check her out. It's always great for kids to see that dogs that are discriminated against with BSL can be amazing, loving dogs. I like to think we're working to change the stereotypes for the next generation.

    1. Yes, clearly I wouldn't know what kind of a dog I've got at the other end of the leash! I do appreciate that, Doberman claim or no, she came over with her little girl and they interacted. A German Shepherd (not white!) came through after, and they went and said hi to him too. I do agree, it's nice to feel like maybe we're teaching kids something.

  2. I love that people feel the need to correct you on what dog breed you know you have. I of course never run into that problem with Leila, instead people like to guess what she is mixed with. I have heard everything from Border Collie to Pit bull... yes someone once told me she looked like a Pit bull mix, but who really knows right?

    1. It's surprising to me, when people are playing "guess the breed", how vehemently people will defend a Pit Bull mix guess. Sometimes the dog in question will look very lab-y or boxer-y to me, but no, that can't possibly be so! It must be a pit!

      Perception is a funny thing, I guess ^^

  3. Woof! Woof! Can totally relate ... not many at first thinks I am a Golden since I am small (petite) in size. Happy Monday Mischief. Lots of Golden ALOHA n Woofs, Sugar

    1. Don't worry, Sugar, dog people can tell!

  4. Apache sometimes gets mistaken for a Lab, but that's about it. Everybody does comment on his size. He's pretty large for a Golden.

    1. A lab, huh? A long haired lab, or do they think every other one in the world gets shaved, I wonder? ;)

  5. The good news is that at least you were not asked if Elka was a something doddle. lol Elka looks like a Dobe to me.

    1. "Doberdoodle?"
      "Yes, we shave her to avoid embarrassment."

  6. People are funny, I get asked ALL the time if Roxy is a schipperke.

    1. Because we know those are a common breed and all!

  7. I used to have people ask me if Kyuss was mixed with greyhound too. I used to say yep, but that was back in 1909. XD
    Kyuss is too chubby now though... so now I tend to get "lab mix?"
    Gah, I think I'm going to go for a run with him today...

    Elka looks perfectly doberman to me!

    1. Oh, see, now I never thought to give a history lesson! I was just concentrating on not being rude ^^

  8. OMG! That's hilarious! Do people really think you don't know what your own dog is?! BOL!

    1. This lady didn't, anyway! It was an interesting change from "Is that a Doberman?"

      I prefer the old question!

  9. I guess people are just looking to make a connection--even if they say silly things to do it.

    I also suspect people are getting so used to seeing fat dogs that when they see one that is the correct weight, they think it must be too thin or from a particularly skinny breed.

    1. That's a good perspective, Pamela, looking to make a connection. I do hope that I haven't been too unkind. I was just flabbergasted, really. And amused. Very amused.

      I will say that I'm happy with Elka's weight!

  10. Huh--sure looks like a Dobe to me, but what do I know?

    I would LOVE to meet a Doberdoodle! Sounds like the next big thing.

    1. Doberdoodle sounds like a walking identity crisis ;)

      Yeah, 9 out of 10 people register "Doberman" when they look at her. Others....

  11. I get people asking me what Nola's mixed with all the time! When I respond with purebred Dachshund it's always something along the lines of "But she can't be! They don't come in that color!" or "but she's so skinny!"
    Nola's Mom

    1. I have seen some fat Dachshunds....all I can think of is their poor backs!

  12. Such an adorable dobie you have. :) I can never understand how people can misinterpret one dog breed for another--especially since she said she had one? If your dog looks skinny, then maybe hers had been overweight? I've got a dobie myself, and nobody has asked about the breed yet, since it's pretty obvious. XD

    1. Thanks very much! I was very confused too. My best guess is she had a Euro male, who would've been a bit shorter, and a bit stockier, with less of a tuckup. Or overweight. Or all of the above!

      I always think that Elka's Doberness is obvious, but that's what I get for making assumptions!

  13. Hi Y'all,

    Stoppin' to say "hello" and see how y'all are doing.

    Don't worry Elka, people never know what I am either. I've been called skinny, then gone to the vet and told I needed to loose a few pounds.

    Hope you have a fantastic week!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

    1. Aw, Hank, I know what you are! Eyeballing your proper weight, though...I've got a rough notion, but it's not due to my breed familiarity. Weight is in the eye of the beholder, I guess.

  14. OMD!!! are you serious??
    Sometimes people can be really dumb...
    Elka, of course you're a purebreed Doberman, and a very beautiful one! =)

    The only time someone doubted that I was a Doberman, said to mom that she should be ashamed to walk a Rott, without muzzle. She was very angry, not only because they thought I was from another breed, but mainly because of the discrimination...
    Ignorance is so sad...

    Have a nice week!


    1. Aw, thanks! She's no show girl, but she's my pretty girl ^^

      Oh yeah, because Rotties are total vicious killers too. I forgot. Muzzles for everybody! /sarcasm

      Thanks for stopping by!

  15. Ha ha ha! I've heard a lot of good ones over the years, but that's a cake taker! Why do I have the feeling that this woman's Doberman probably looked like a stuffed sausage?

    1. I had that unfortunate sausage-like thought. Or, best case, he was more "European" style and so a bit stockier.

      I do confess, I thought of you and that you'd get a kick out of this, when she started talking greyhound.
