
Friday, June 15, 2012

Doberman Health: Would you like to take a survey?

I noticed it first on Doberman talk, and then saw it mentioned on Dobermann Daze as well.

Dr. Mark Neff at The Van Andel Research Institute in Michigan is doing genetic research on inherited disorders in Dobermans. There is a survey ( around 2 minutes, not bad) and then you have the option to request a DNA sample kit so that you can enter your dog's genetic tissue in the survey. They pay the shipping both ways. The survey is on, and the goal is to have a sample size of 3000 Dobermans!

So if you, or anybody you know, has a Doberman, go on over and take the survey. There is no cost to you (other than the tiny time commitment of taking the survey and eventually swabbing your dog's mouth for DNA) and the results may give a lot of insight into things that Dobermans inherit, such as idiopathic head tremors (something Elka has), flank sucking, Wobbler's Syndrome (otherwise known as Cervical Vertebral Instability), DCM, and more.

This is a valuable opportunity, and if you could spread the word that the survey is at, that would be awesome! All results are confidential, if you have concerns about that.


  1. This sounds like valuable research. I don't know anyone with a doberman, but will pass on the word. :)

    1. Thanks for sharing it! I don't know a whole lot of Dobie people either...or at least Dobie people who don't know!

  2. I don't have a dobie these days, but if I did I would definitely participate. Thanks for sharing this important information!

    1. You're welcome! I'm glad that this kind of research is being done. Too many issues plague our pets.

  3. Sounds like a great idea, i hope there is a fair few participants!

    1. I hope so too! Somebody on Doberman Talk reported getting a phone call about their survey, for further research details. I guess the science is closer on some issues than others.

  4. What valuable information for Dobermans. I'm spreading the word today!

    Dropping by on the pet blogger hop. Sometimes when I work in dog rescue, which is almost every weekend, I come across a dog that needs a special home or a special family. Right now we've got Skylark, a six month old deaf puppy, to place. That's why I really liked the family that has Lola the Pug. Enjoy their song about Lola, the Pug who Cannot Run at

    1. Thanks for dropping by, and for spreading the word! The pet blogger hop is a great thing, isn't it?

  5. Hi Y'all,

    Seems like all us pure bred dogs inherit stuff. Guess if you aren't pure bred they can't figure out where your problems come from...or maybe you don't have any.

    How y'all doin'? Just stoppin' by to see how y'all are. Hope y'all are enjoying a fantastic weekend.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

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