
Monday, June 4, 2012

Product Review: The Unbreakoball

What's that you say? A ball guaranteed against destruction by your dog's tender mercies?  Yes, my friends, that is the Unbreakoball!

Considering all of the tennis balls we've gone through, I was more than willing to try something that was also a portmanteau.  That it's made in the USA is another definite bonus.

Based on the web site's recommendations, I went with the 10 inch "Big Daddy" size (I didn't realize just how wrong that sounded until I just now typed it. Apologies.) It's the size of a basketball. It's hard plastic, with holes in it (as you can see). It's also, apparently, terrifying.

On one hand, I do get a kick out of watching Elka interact with it, because she pushes it around with her open mouth, barking. And she isn't really a recreational barker. So that's got it's own appeal. After awhile, though, you just have to wonder what it is about this ball that's given her The Fear. She was interested enough when I was opening the box, and when I got it out, and then it was all over.

Who knows, maybe it would make a good outdoor toy. She could push it around the yard, barking, and fit right in with all the other neighbor dogs who bark mysteriously. 

I could also get the smaller size, to try that one out, though I guess if I were to get the smaller size for a bigger dog than they recommend, the replacement guarantee probably wouldn't be in effect. It's worth a shot, anyway. As is, it's  a little bit ridiculous. Also, in the photo above, how did I get that ghost dog effect? It looks like Elka's head is see through. Bizarre.


  1. Silas has a big ball that we refer to as his "frenemy." We're never sure if he loves it or hates it. He tries to roll on top of it, while barking/yipping. I hate it and hid it in the closet, just because it's hard plastic and it makes an awful noise.

    1. Hmm, I'm noticing a theme here. Hard plastic, large, provokes vocalizations. I wonder what the deal is?

  2. That looks like a great toy. I love the made in America idea too.

    1. It's weird to me how few things seem to be Made in America. It's like a hidden surprise when you do find something!

  3. It may be a little big for my guys. On the other hand, it wouldn't get lost in the Bermuda Triangle that seems to be operating in my house.

    1. I know, it's a hard thing to decide! Will it get lost? Can they swallow it? Will it kill me if I trip on it at night?

  4. Freddie loves his unbreakoball! He does the same thing as Elka and runs and pushes it around outside. He surprisingly, does pick it up and run with it!

    1. I believe it can happen, I just don't know if Elka will (pick it up). She only just figured out "two tennis balls at once" a few months back!

  5. Do you read Life with Desmond? Lauren, the blog author, rants almost daily about her dislike for this toy. It always cracks me up.
    But anyway, I am glad to see that some dogs like it, even if they just like barking at it.

    1. Yes, I do read Life with Desmond! We'd hoped that Elka would like her Unbreakoball more than Desmond likes his!

  6. Maybe it is the size of the ball that is making her bark? Thunder is not a barker, but we give him a horse ball to play with now and again and he will bark at it in play. He never barks at smaller sized balls (OK that sounds

    1. Size is really the main thing I can figure. Though she picked up a partially deflated basketball on one of our walks and carried it for three blocks before dropping it under a car. So really, I have no idea!

      (yeah...that does sound funny!)

  7. It looks very interesting!


    1. I thought it did! Elka apparently thinks it's a monster. Or something.

  8. Ha-ha! The 10 inch Big Daddy. I probably wouldn't of thought twice about that if you didn't mention it, now I am giggling like a teenager:)

    1. I literally didn't think of it until I typed it!

  9. That big daddy ball looks like a giant wiffle ball. I think my boys might have a similar reaction to that giant ball.

    Dublin really likes the jolly ball which is similar in size. He likes the one with the rope going through the middle. It's not indestructable, but I think it's too big for him to sit down and chew/destroy it.

    Happy Monday,

    1. I'd considered a Jolly Ball before and just hadn't gotten around to getting one! Anything with a rope in it, though, and Elka eats the rope first.

  10. I think my dogs would like one of those! I'm going to check it out :)

    1. Definitely! I really wished Elka had tried thoroughly to kill it, to test its unbreakoballness. Maybe your dogs will be more enthusiastic!

  11. BLAHAHAHAAH! Love the big daddy size comment. But it's true that thing is huge. Looks like fun though! Happy Monday! :0)
    ~Weinerful Gang~

    1. Thanks for stopping by!

      It's still fun for me, anyway ;)

  12. Wow that looks like so much fun! Hope you enjoyed playing with it!

    Love and licks, Winnie

    1. Bigger ball = more fun, right! That's what I thought!

  13. That is awfully big! Going outside with it might be the answer.

    Nubbin wiggles,

    1. Yeah, I'm going to try that...if it ever stops being horrible and rainy. Or maybe it'll be just fine, it is plastic after all!

  14. Hmmm maybe it will work for my pups...

    Stop on by for a visit

    1. Oh. maybe! It's definitely worth a shot ;)

  15. Maybe it's too big for her. We are looking for a ball for Ms. Kairi to herd, since she is a herding dog. We bought her a beach ball, but that lasted maybe 30 seconds. Check us out

    Woof Woof
    Abby, Thor and Kairi

    1. Oh, poor beach ball! :(

      What sort of ball gets used in, say, Treibball?

      I'll definitely swing by...thanks for reading!

  16. Looks great, my lab haylie has jaws of life and im always talkinga bout how toys dont last and our pals over at my advertures with a cattle dog named Riley sent us a jolly ball and its still alive almost 2 years later and a big hit in at our house. Thank you for showing this to us, we will look into this!

    1. Maybe we'll get a Jolly Ball next (or a Jolly Squirrel, those things are cool looking)!

      I definitely wonder sometimes what dog toy makers are thinking. I can typically tell by handling a toy if Elka will destroy it in 30 minutes or less.

  17. Huh, wonder why an innocuous ball is so fear-inducing? Maybe smear it with yummy meaty snacks to see if that shifts things?

    1. Using it outside is my next strategy, and after that, I'm thinking of putting food in the holes! Food can conquer many suspicions!

  18. Perhaps this is all a part of the marketing for the Unbreakoball - if the dogs are just scared of it, they'll never get close enough to break it! :) Just kidding, let us know if she gets over it, we need something indestructible in our house...

    1. Hah, that could be! "This toy will never be's really more of a show piece. We keep it around to keep the dogs in line."

      There will be Unbreakoball updates! I'll do my best to help Elka get over The Fear.

  19. here i am, finally getting around to this. i can see how the bigger ball would be weird, which is why i didn't even attempt to order it. as you know, i'm having issues with the smaller one anyway. desmond's not scared of it though; he's just got not interest in it whatsoever. and that sucks because i really think he'd enjoy the "soccer" we could play with it outside. inside, we've tried rolling it around for him and he just stares at us or it or both. i know he likes balls he can chew on/fit in his mouth (hmm...that also sounds...not quite family friendly), so maybe he just doesn't see what the point of this one is? but some dogs use the holes to carry the balls, right? so i think my dog is just weird. meanwhile, i've also heard or read or something that some folks have put treats inside it--i don't understand this either though, because wouldn't they just fall right out? i don't get it.

    1. I do agree that with the big ball, she just doesn't seem to know what to do with it. She certainly can't pick it up! If the ball rolls too vigorously towards Elka, she will jump away from it. The other day, though, she did actually push it back and forth with somebody! Without barking! It truly felt like a breakthrough.

      The treats thing...well, they fall out of a Kong too, anyway. I haven't tried treats yet. I haven't tried it outside yet either, though I still want to give that a shot.
