
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

QR Codes on Bananas?

Welcome to the world of tomorrow, right guys?

Elka likes bananas just as much as I do.

I once listened to a story (or part of one) on NPR about banana republics in Central America. Not the overpriced clothing store, but areas of land controlled by, I guess, banana lords rather than drug lords. Truth be told, I don't remember much of it. I was giggling too much at the serious NPR voices saying 'banana' over and over again, with frankness.

I've heard that bananas are endangered. I hope that science overcomes that particular glitch, as I doubt environmentalism is. Of course, now that's making me think of Logan's Run, with bananas. And QR codes. Once they're not green anymore, they go renew....I mean, to the grocery store.


  1. I haven't heard that about bananas. Huh. They are still so cheap at the grocery store I assumed we had plenty.

    Shiva loves them too. They are perfect for squishing to the bottom of her Kong and freezing.

    1. Banana + yogurt in a Kong is something we've been very successful with!

  2. That reminds me, I've been eating a banana a day for 2 or 3 years. At first there was a health reason (I think) and now it's just habit. I wish I could remember the original reason.

    1. Isn't it funny, how habits can take hold like that?

      I mentioned to my coworker yesterday that I'd had a sudden banana craze since the weekend, and she said that they're kind of like a digestive sponge, like if you ate something really salty, it'll help with the water retention, etc. I'd never heard that before!

  3. PLEASE don't tell me there will be a banana shortage! I eat one every day. It's part of my portable breakfast!

    1. I really hope not too! Of course, they could mean a "cavendish banana" shortage (the kind we normally have in the store) because they reproduce with human intervention (cuttings, I think?) and can't on their own, and there are a couple of diseases going around. I think there are other kinds of bananas that would survive. I hope!

      (at least one link for reference:

  4. We better start growing our own bananas. There better not be a shortage
    Benny & Lily

  5. I better watch out...with QR codes showing up on bananas, my mom might have a QR code stamped on my butt next!! BOL!!


    1. It'll be the next generation of pet identification!

  6. Hi Y'all,

    How y'all doin'? Just stoppin' by to see how y'all are. Hope y'all are enjoyed a fantastic weekend and are having a great week.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  7. For some reason I am thinking banana bread. :)

    1. I do love me some banana bread (I add lots of cinnamon, and chocolate chips)!
