
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tasty Tuesday July 24 2012

So, as it turns out, Elka likes watermelon.

I do too, really, as one might expect. But when the watermelon came out, Elka was very, very interested. And insistent. And duped one of our friends into holding it for her!


  1. I think dogs are natural frutarians! Probably the sugar in them. Georgia will eat almost any fruit you put in front of her. She's over apples now and isn't so hot on berries but she'd kill for a little piece of banana. Everyone's a food critic these days.

    1. Yes, I do think that sweet things must attract dogs!

      Elka loves fruits and vegetables situationally. She'll mug me for carrots and apple and green pepper and stuff in the house, but if I try to use those as walk treats? No sir. She takes them and throws them on the sidewalk.

  2. Rufus too! He likes blueberries and apples (but only with peanut butter), but loathes 'nanas.

    1. Mmm, peanut butter is a favorite here as well!

  3. Nola loves watermelon! And strawberries, apples, bananas, pears, pineapple, blueberries, peaches, blackberries, get the drift ;) I swear this dog prefers fruit over meat
    Nola's Mom

    1. I do think that between fruit and, say, turkey meatballs, Elka would definitely choose the meat. I could be wrong, though....I should test the theory!

  4. Gretel loves watermelon too. She also can't get enough banana and cantaloupe. It's always fun to discover your dog likes a new food.

    1. It is neat to find out what Elka will have a taste for!

  5. That looks yummy! Haven't tried watermelon before. I'm rather partial to bananas...and bonios ofc :-)

    1. I love bananas myself...I'm sorry to say that Elka doesn't always get a bite!

  6. Elka you are a fruit dog? Hmmm me only meat , meat and more meat. Happy Tuesday to you all.
    Best wishes Molly

  7. Noooo... my post, it got deleted.

    Ooops... there goes that watermelon. I hear dogs that eat watermelons turn red ^^... Elka will need a little more to change her pigmentation ^^

    Maybe I should feed Peanuts some grapes. I'd love to have a purple dog.

    Huggies and Cheese,


    1. Oh wait... grapes aren't good for dogs... because they're part raisins... sigh... we'll stick to bananas and carrots, then.

    2. Red Dobermans are pretty too ^^

      Maybe blueberries would make a blue dog? That's like purple! ;)

  8. I think it's funny that Elka likes fruit in the house but won't eat it as a treat on a walk. :)

    Honey really likes cherries but I'm afraid of her swallowing the pits. So I chew the pits out for her and pass the cherries along.

    No, I use my hand, I don't spit them directly into her mouth. But it does make me think I'm a crazy dog person whenever I do it.

    Of course, I don't sit and hold watermelon for Honey to eat. That Elka is quite the diva. :)

    1. Hah, Elka conned our friend into holding it for her. I think Dear Friend had intended to eat the watermelon herself, but Elka put the whammy on her.

      Cherries! I haven't shared any cherries with Elka yet. I typically eat those myself! ;)

  9. We like watermelon too, or at least Norbert, Tubby, Bob, and Ping do. Weasley didnt seem to interested

    urban hounds

    1. Well, everybody's different! I think Weasley is outvoted, though ;)

  10. Felx will sit and eat watermelon chunks *all day long* if you would let him. One, left a min watermelon on the floor and he chewed it opn and ate every darn BITE! He's a piglet, but I am totally with him and Elka. Watermelon is delish!

    1. The WHOLE thing? Wow!

      Watermelon is delicious. And perfect for the summer!

  11. Thanks for reading!

    You sure do have a lot of shoes, and in such variety ;)

  12. LOL well watermelon is good in the heat.

  13. I noticed the mention of peanut butter in the comments. Bella likes fruits and veggies okay but she prefers them slathered in the creamy peanut stuff. ;)

    I have to admit, I never thought about giving Bella watermelon. Hmmm, probably because that would mean I'd have to sacrifice some of my own. ;) Seriously, though, I'm going to test her with it next time.

    1. Elka does love her peanut butter as well!

      It can be hard sometimes, finding out what your dog likes, if it means having to share! Elka likes blueberries as well, but really, I want them!
