
Sunday, August 26, 2012

August 26 2012: National Dog Day

So, for National Dog Day, I'd intended to take Elka to the Feed and Seed, to pick out a new squeaky (!) toy and get a fresh bag of food, as she is almost out. However, the Feed and Seed is not open on Sundays, and I'm wrestling with an unfortunate cold thing. Who gets a cold in August, seriously?
(flashback to our beaching in May)

Of course, since I did not turn to Elka and say the magical "Do you want to go in the car??" words, she doesn't know that our trip has been postponed. That's the thing about dogs, in a way; their anticipation is very immediate. Kids, they know their birthday (or Christmas or Halloween or whatever) is coming, and they get anticipatory and excited, so much so that the actual event becomes a letdown. Dogs, though they have a memory, live in the moment, and encourage us to
do so as well.

A little tennis ball time makes up for a multitude of sins. I noticed, after I uploaded these, that the tennis ball isn't all that visible. It's there, I assure you! Even if Elka is imaginative (who knew that dogs imagined things? I certainly didn't!), she doesn't tend to imagine a ball to chase.


  1. Happy National Dog Day - what a wonderful way to celebrate; it is so nice how our dogs go along with us without asking "Are we there yet?" They live the journey.

  2. LOL. I just read Roberta's comment and that is exactly what Georgia does every time we get in the car. She howls and complains until we arrive! Of course, I guess R must be talking about life's journey rather than the literal ;)

  3. Happy dog day! What a lovely way to spend it. I hope you feel better! I know about the colds in August, I'm only just getting over mine :( such an odd time to get one too
    Nola's Mom

  4. Hope you feel better. It looks like Elka had a blast chasing the ball.

  5. Hey Elka,

    Glad you had a fun day with your Tennis Ball buddy and I hope your Mom feels better soon :)

    Wags to all,

    Your pal Snoopy :)

  6. Thank goodness you didn't say the phrase Elka knows so well! You are right - she has no idea what she missed.

    Seriously - a cold in August? I always wonder how that happens. Seems like it should be hot enough everywhere that germs can't survive! Feel better soon!

  7. What's the deal with tennis balls? Why do they specifically appeal to so many dogs? If we had 100 different balls for Desmond, I'm pretty sure he would chose that one.
