
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Dre, Pit Bull in Danger in Colorado

Remember Lennox?

Well, in Brighton, Colorado on July 31, an interesting thing happened. A run of the mill thing, really. Two dogs got loose, a pit bull and a Doberman. They were kind of freaked, and ran around for awhile, and were chased by people who were trying to catch them. They barked at people, and a lot of those people were scared and called the police. Once the dogs were finally caught, the owners were called. The Doberman went home. The pit bull is in danger of being euthanized for being "dangerous".

Not a single stranger was touched in this frightening barking spree. Nobody was jumped on. Not a paw or tooth was laid on a single person, by either dog.

I learned on Doggies and Stuff that there is a ChipIn to help Dre's family with the legal costs.  Dogster has run the story as well. There is a petition to save Dre, where you can add your voice (the petition page is where the above photo of Dre and Machomotto is from). The goal is 100,000 signatures. Currently, they're at 55, 095. My understanding is that Dre's next hearing has been postponed until August 21; at that point, let's hope that the DA looks at the FACTS rather than emotional opinions. A barking dog is not a biting dog. A biting dog is a biting dog.


  1. Peeps are not smarts. I play with dese all the times!


    1. Sometimes people are really very not smart :(

  2. Replies
    1. I'm glad! It looks like it gained 300 signatures or so since I posed, which is pretty good.

  3. Wow! Our neighbor's dog does that on a weekly basis, but I guess a Goldendoodle paints a less terrifying picture. What a sad situation!

    1. Yeah, most people don't appear to be afraid of Goldendoodles going on bloodthirsty rampages and eating babies or what have you.

  4. Very sad situation. Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

    1. It is sad and much like the Lennox story (or what anybody knows about it), doesn't make sense.

  5. This is just unbelievable! I signed the petition. That dog was lost, scared and confused yet didn't harm a single person and they want to put him down? What in world is wrong with people?

    Thanks for sharing this!

    1. I definitely question the logic here. I hope that the DA sees reason!

  6. If the dog had just looked like a Poodle or Chihuahua this story would not have happened. So unfair.

    1. What was interesting to me is the other "culprit" (i.e., loose and confused dog) was a Doberman....and it's the pit bull they kept. I guess the paradigm has shifted, but it shouldn't be at the cost to another breed. Breeds aren't the issue!

  7. I heard about this on another site and we signed the petition, such a sad story.

    1. It is a sad story, and hopefully one that will have a happy ending.

  8. Thank you for sharing Dre's story. We just put up a video link on the petition site that the family made during their latest visit. It's heart wrenching.

    1. The fact that stories like this exist just make me ill. It's so pointless and ignorant and unnecessary.

  9. That is absolutely horrible! Dre's situation reminds me of a loose pit bull puppy I found. She was an anxious, playful family pet that wanted nothing more than to follow my dog home and wrestle with him...quite "vicious". I really wish people would stop acting like 3-year-olds who think they saw the boogey man every time a stray pit bull appears. I've seen many pits I would never let my dog within 10 feet of, but I've also seen many more who are just normal dogs.

    1. Just as it's hard to look at people as individuals rather than predictable based on race, gender, social group, etc. it's apparently IMPOSSIBLE for people to approach dogs as individuals rather than whatever the hypiest "information" based on their breed exists.

  10. It sure doesn't make sense that one went home and the other may be euthanized. But how did they get loose in the first place so that their owner was not looking for them?

    1. It doesn't make sense, at all! The fact that the one that went home is a Doberman is "funny" to me as well. At least they don't discriminate against Dobermans in Colorado! No sir, just pit bulls!

      I think they got loose because somebody either opened the garage door or opened a gate. I'm not sure where I read that, though.
