
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Dobermans in Vogue Italia September 2012 Face the Future by Steven Meisel

So, because my interests are varied and broad, I found myself on the Haute Macabre blog, which, in a nutshell, is for Gothic fashion. There are a lot of really awesome pictures on there all the time, if you're into that sort of thing, and frequently clothing and jewelry that I would enjoy were I to be in higher income bracket.

A recent post was on the Face the Future (shoot? Theme? I'm unclear. Perhaps also gauche and unfashionable) by Stephen Meisel for the September 2012 issue of Vogue Italia. The last picture in the shoot? Dobermans. I unfortunately can't read the caption, but I had to do a double take. I really wasn't expecting them.

To learn more (maybe find out whose dogs they were, if they were titled, etc) I went to our friend The Google and came up with this somewhat creepy, rather atmosphericYouTube video, which reminds me a bit of the American version of The Ring (I haven't seen Ringu so can't compare that), and perhaps also a little bit of the movie Silence of the Lambs.

The occasional running Dobermans shown in the video clip look rather happy, I feel. They're alert, they're running around, they're having fun. Sure, they're wearing those studded harnesses, I suppose to make them fashionable as well. I've seen that harness style in my browsing of dog merchandise on the interweb.

Offhand, I wasn't able to really get much mention of whose dogs they were, what breeding, anything like that. Nobody really much cares about the dogs, just the photo shoot itself. Go figure, right? 


  1. Ugh. No offense the people creeped me out! I am unsure of the purpose the horse (a palomino, my hearts desire!)were in the movie??

    ~Mason's Mommy

    1. The people are kind of creepy. I really don't "get it" at all...I was just looking at the dogs (and the lovely horse).

  2. Thank you for the nightmares I'm going to have about horse faces and giant lips!

    There were some parts of it that I found interesting, and I love dark and gothic, but there was an undertone to it that just...didn't sit well with me. Maybe that's the point!

    1. Well, I did try to warn you!

      I really don't "get" the video. Maybe because I'm not actually into couture? Maybe because the photographer/artist/whatever was going for unsettling? No idear.

  3. Um - I mistakenly watched the Ring quite some time ago so I skipped this video to avoid any more nightmares. ;)

    I love dogs and horses, just not when they are in creepy videos. I'm weird that way. :)

    1. Yeah, I don't blame you for skipping it. It's just so perplexing!

  4. Nothing Goth or macabre at my blog today. Just a contest to win a treat. I'll bet Elka would like to win a treat. I liked seeing the Doberman in your first image, but can't bring myself to watch a scary video. :( Sorry.

    1. Aw, it's okay, you don't HAVE to watch it!

      Elka does like treats, thanks for the tip! ;)

  5. cool pictures....creepy people but typical models
    Benny & Lily

  6. Gee, that kind of reminded me of a Tim Burton movie!

  7. People really think that kind of stuff looks good? I am not sure any of the animals were portrayed in the most positive light. I think the dobes were dressed in their studded harnesses to show that they are a tuff and scary dog.

    1. I guess they must think it looks good! It boggles the mind.

      The studded harnesses are definitely meant (in my view) to show what scary dogs they are. The fact that they're just so happy kind of belies that image for me!

  8. Bizzaro and creepy. It looked like the commercial for a horror film. Didn't the women look like they were wearing masks? The only normal things were the dogs and the horse. The dogs looked happy to be sure. I think Goth missed my generation by just a few years. Who knows what fun it could have been?

    1. The womens' faces were pretty mask-like, especially with the super long fake eyelashes, and the fact that their faces didn't really seem to move.

      I did really like the Dobermans, of course ^^

      I don't even know if I would call that's just strange!
