
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Smiling Blue Skies Walk to End Canine Cancer ~ Toronto

On September 29, in Toronto, there is a sponsored walk for donations to end canine cancer!

Not being in Canada, I won't be walking, but a member of Doberman Talk is, with her handsome red boy Chase.

(photo credit: Kerry, Chase's "mom")

There are a lot of statistics out there, cited and otherwise, about how many dogs are affected by varying types of canine cancer every year. There is a "Rainbow Bridge" section on the Doberman Talk message board, and cancer is what many of those fine and loving dogs succumbed to. It's also what the Doberman Lexie unfortunately developed, very suddenly, and what K of Romping and Rolling in the Rockies had.  These dogs were not my dog, but their loss was felt. Their time with us is so short; things like cancer only make it shorter. 

The proceeds from the Smiling Blue Skies Walk to End Canine Cancer will go to research at OVC Guelph (Ontario Veterinary College at Guelph), which from accounts I've heard, has an excellent facility for owners whose dogs have cancer.

Kerry, whose donation page is here, has spent time walking around with Chase, raising awareness. Her goal is $300; she's currently at $175. Chase "carries all of [the] paperwork and guards the donations [they] collect on [their] walks.....He loves his job because it consists of petting and cookies." Sounds like a great job to me!

So, if you're in the area and have September 29 free, maybe you'd like to walk to end Canine Cancer! If not, perhaps you want to donate to the noble cause? Can you imagine a day when cancer, all cancer, is finally beaten? It's a far horizon, I know, but what a bright future that would be!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! I'm not flying up to Canada to walk, mind you, but I do admire Chase and Terry and their cause!

  2. Great cause Elka. Have a terrific Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. Good luck to them. It is kind of too bad that they have made so little progress in canine cancer. A few years ago they took dna from a bunch of Chessies (and other pure bred dogs) as part of a cancer study. They wanted healthy dogs to compare with affected dogs. As far as I know that study is still ongoing.

    1. It's kind of a sad thing that so little progress has been made; cancer is just such a varied and complicated thing, though. I'm given to understand that each given cancer is in fact a different disease, as it were, with as many different causes. It's just a horrible mess.

  4. My Shadow died of cancer last year too. Very heart-breaking. What a great cause!

    1. I'm sorry, I didn't know :(

      It is heartbreaking, how many we lose.

  5. What a great cause! We consider ourselves very lucky because Blueberry is now almost a two year cancer survivor. It's so scary and stressful! I hope the walk is very successful!

    1. I didn't know that Blueberry is a cancer survivor (just missed it, I guess)! Two years is great. I hope it's a tremendous success as well!

  6. What a wonderful event!

    Nubbin wiggles,

    1. It is a wonderful event! Dogs are tremendously lucky that there are so many vets and so many walking volunteers (and sponsors)! I really wish their success.
