
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Addictive Blog Award!

Another blog award! This one from Mason's mom, of Big Stinky Dog. Thank you so much!

  The rules of this award are:

  1. Thank the blogger who gave you the award and link back to them.
  2. Tell you how I started my blog and why I blog.
  3. Nominate 10 other bloggers.
(why is it always 10?! I guess I should be grateful it isn't 15! ^^)
I started this blog a little more than a month before Elka turned 2. One of my coworkers, for a long time, kept asking me "When are you going to start a dog blog?" Later than I should have, evidently. For one, I would have taken far more puppy pictures of Elka (or maybe certain little Doberman puppy was quite the bundle of incidental mischief when un-managed.) I would have shared all of those lovely milestones of the initial training, the good and the bad. Ah well, water under the bridge.

I blog because I love talking about Elka, dogs, Dobermans, and dog behavior. Not all of the people that I know in person are as interested in these topics. There are an infinite number of people on the Interweb who are, however, and a lot of them are really great! I love hearing everybody's dog stories and seeing their pictures. I'm sorry to share in their tragedies as well, though the support that comes in from all quarters can be wonderful to see. Reading everybody's blogs brings them to my house, and I hope that when people read about Elka, that's kind of how they feel as well (laser eyes and all).

And now, 10 other blogs:


  1. Congratulations on your award. We think rules are there to be broken so we only ever pass them out to a few and we think it is more special that way. Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

    1. Thanks! There are times that I break the rules, but then I think about how excited I am when I get a blog award, so I make the effort ;)

  2. Congratulations!
    Bella and DiDi

  3. Congrats on your award! Nice to learn about why you started blogging. :-)

    1. Yup, the truth is out....I started blogging to keep my in-person friends from leaving me because I would only talk about Elka! ;)

  4. Congratulations!!! and thank you, for nominating me!!! Have a wonderful tuesday, dear Elka

  5. Congratulations on the award. Reading stories about Elka is addictive.

    I saw an elegant (and beautifully behaved) Doberman at an event this weekend and Elka immediately came to mind. :)

    1. Ooh, a Doberman sighting! I live with one, but other than Elka, I see them in person so rarely.

  6. Congratulations and thanks for the nomination! Hehehe - laser eyes!

    1. A certain percentage of Elka picture are laser eyes. You'd think that the camera companies would wise up and have a "laser eye" fixer, like they do for the red eye!

      (at least I don't think that the red eye thing would work on dogs. Hmm.)

  7. Thanks! (I just "used up" my nominations; so don't be sad that I don't repost it.)

    Those laser eyes are hypnotizing.

    1. HypnoDoberman wants your dinner! ;)

      (no sadness here, it's okay)

  8. Congratulations on your cool award
    Benny & Lily

  9. Congratulations. We find you and Elka quite addictive and thanks for the award.

    1. I do complain about finding enough blogs to pass the award along to, but really, it's one thing that I like about blog awards!

  10. Congrats on your award. You really deserve it!

    1. Thanks very much! I'm glad that so many people like reading ;)

  11. Congratulations on your award! Mom is one of those people who could talk about her dog (ME!) for hours and hours and hours. Of course this is completely understandable, since dogs are so fascinating! And cute. And entertaining. And wise. We're glad you started your blog!

    your pal,

    1. Dogs are fascinating! I read about them all the time, and talk about them in person and online quite a lot. I'm glad that you enjoy reading my blog! ^^

  12. An award! Congratulations! Elka is such a beauty. Laser eyes and all. :)

    1. Laser eyes just make her look more mysterious ;)

  13. Congratulations on your award it is very well deserved, and thank you for passing it on to us as well!

    It is always nice to be recognized for your efforts.

    1. It's a definite nice pat on the back to receive a blog award, like getting that gold star in school. You're very welcome! Thanks for being one of my regulars, that's appreciated as well ^^
