
Friday, October 5, 2012

Name Your Own Price Pet Adoptions

October is "Name Your Own Price Pet Adoptions" month at the Broome County Humane Society.

From their web site:

You can’t put a price on love.  Or can you?  This October, you are invited to name your own price on all cat and dog adoptions, all month long.  It is the ultimate “re-tail” event, to encourage adopters and find new homes for dozens of loveable pets.
Simply pick out your favorite dog or cat, determine that furry face’s value, and make an offer.  In addition to special adoption rates, we will also be giving away a $10 gift card to Hoffman’s Car Wash with all approved adoption applications.
The Name-Your-Own-Price Adopt-a-thon will kick off this weekend with two adoption events.
Friday, September 28th we will be at PetSmart on the Vestal Parkway from 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM and Saturday, September 29th we will be at Hoffman’s Car Wash from 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM.
How many homeless pets do you know?  We know 150!
We currently have over 50 dogs and 90 cats in our shelter all looking for a good home.  Stop in to find a new “best friend.”  Normal adoption fees range from $65 to $187.  Standard adoption criteria apply.  Offer excludes puppies & kittens (under 6 months old).

What an interesting thing for a shelter to have! I'd never heard of such a strategy before, have you? You know what the best news is, that I've noticed on the Broome County Humane Society web site? Storm isn't on there any more! I'll take that as the best sign, that the very last of the Conklin Dobermans was adopted! I couldn't be more happy for him,

We've had a couple of visits here from owners who have adopted some of the Dobermans from the Broome County Humane Society, which is totally awesome. Who knows, maybe we'll here from Storm's new family!


  1. That's a good idea! I hope the promotion helps increase the number of adoptions.

    1. I hope it does too! Those dogs and cats deserve great homes.

  2. Hooray for lower adoption fees. High adoption fees is one of my pet peeves. Good for them!

    1. super high adoption fees can certainly be a pet peeve, though I tend to see that more with rescues than shelters. And "rescues" as well...have you seen the one that Burt Ward runs? It seems more like a breeding operation (in addition to having a mind bending website): Gentle Giants Rescue and Adoptions.

  3. Replies
    1. It does sound it! I think it might encourage people who want a "free dog" or "free cat" to go out and get one. Or, somebody might go the other way and "over" donate!

  4. That's excellent news about Storm! I like to think he's chilling out on someone's sofa right now after a leisurely stroll and breakfast!

    I have never heard of that adoption strategy before. I sure hope it is successful!

    1. I was really happy to see that about Storm!

  5. That is great news!! Let's hope furries are flying out the door. :-) I'm with 2 Brown Dawgs, I think more animals could be adopted if the fees were lower.

    1. A definite possibility. I think a lot of people also have a behavioral stigma in mind for shelter dogs, but I"m not really sure how that hurdle can be leapt. A lot of shelters already offer training classes (discounted or otherwise) in conjunction with adoption).

  6. I have two thoughts on the idea of shelter sales. I would be afraid so many pets would be returned to the shelter

    1. That's valid! So many pets end up in the shelter anyway for a variety of reasons, the ability to lower one's price could certainly result in "impulse adoption".

  7. What a cool idea! I know Greyhound groups usually give discounts on senior hound adoptions and lower their adoption fees in May, because it's Adopt A Senior month, but I haven't heard of anything like that.

    1. I've seen senior discounts (both for dogs being seniors and adopters being seniors), so I think that can be a positive thing! There is one program around me where, depending on which shelter the dog comes from, if a senior adopts said senior dog, the organization pays for the dog for the rest of his/her life. So, sort of like a foster, I guess, but really meant to be an adoption incentive.

  8. Hey there! How exciting to find this blog tonight at work and to see pictures of Storm. Storm is now chilling, for the rest of his life, on my couch. I have promised him that he will never see an empty food dish or a crate, and he will never be punished, ever, for anything. He is a sweet, shy, fearful dog who's spirit was truly broken by what has happened to him. In my professional life I work with veterans who have PTSD, so I know a little bit about what will help this dog heal, but I am open to all ideas and suggestions from anyone who has rehabilitated a Doberman. There will be lots of belly rubs and high calorie meals in his future, that's for sure. Thank you for all your support for the Broome County Humane Society, they are truly wonderful people and did a pretty thorough check on me before they let Storm come home with us. Now I'm going to read more of your blog... :-)

    1. Hi Cindy! Oh, I'm so glad you found my blog and commented here. I have not ever rehabilitated a Doberman myself (I talk the talk, but my experiences are all pretty new). Even if you don't join Doberman Talk, there are a lot of health resources and experienced people there on the forum. That's really my go to for Doberman questions!

  9. Cindy (Storm's Mom)October 7, 2012 at 7:11 AM

    OK, I love your blog and especially the pictures - so now I'm thinking of starting a blog about Storm so that people can follow his progress and fall in love with Dobies. Good idea, or does someone need to talk me down?

    1. Talk you down? I would love to see a Storm blog and hear about how he's doing! I think it's a great idea ^^

      Is his name staying Storm?

      Thanks for reading, too!

    2. Here's the blog! Thanks for your encouragement!

    3. Awesome! Thanks for the link, I look forward to reading!

  10. That's a great idea! It's a great way to get pets adopted who otherwise would not.

    And Cindy; Thank-you for adopting Storm! I think you should start a blog about him. We can always use more Doberman blogs!

    1. Kind of my thought. I hope it's successful, both in the adoptions and that those homes stay forever homes!

  11. I'm with Jan. There will be people who'll impulsively adopt because they can afford to, only to regret it later. Hopefully the stayers will outnumber them. I've never heard of shelters doing this but there are restaurants that allow diners to pay what they feel the meal is worth. Apparently, the diners mostly pay more than what one would expect. Maybe it'll work that way for the shelter too. Here's hoping :)
