
Friday, November 30, 2012

NaNoWriMo: And, done

Well, I didn't finish the book, but I certainly reached 50,000 words (50, 937 according to the word count validator, though Open Office says 52, 037. That's a disappointing discrepancy). And ordered the t-shirt.

This was an interesting novel to (mostly) write. I outlined most of it, for one, though there was a point at which the outline didn't matter anymore. I made some changes in the actual writing of the novel, which made some things make more sense, and made the outline eventually obsolete.

My interest in dogs has quite permeated my writing, depending on the topic. Considering this is a werewolf series (well, duology currently. I'd like to make it a trilogy, I think), I made an effort to use canine body language, even when the characters were acting as humans rather than canids. It made sense in the context, and was interesting to think about. What does angry look like? Interest? Nervousness? It's interesting to compare these things to human body language as well; have you watched the show Lie To Me? You should.


  1. Congrats! I totally want to read your werewolf series now by the way.

    1. Thanks! Don't worry, if it reaches that level of success, I'll be shouting it from the rooftops ;)

  2. Congrats on finishing! I have a hard time writing for my blog, I'm not sure I could keep up with the NaNOWriMo challenge.

    1. Thanks!

      I hear you! Motivation and actually putting the butt in the chair and the fingers to the keyboard (....instead of screwing around on the Internet) can be difficult.

  3. That's such an awesome achievement!! Woohoo!! Big congrats to you :)

    I hope you're having a fun, relaxing day - you deserve it! :)

    Your pal Snoopy :)

  4. Congrats on getting to your 50,000! That's awesome. You always have December to finish your novel, especially if you keep up the same pace. :-)

  5. Congratulations!! I tapped out, but am still proud of what I accomplished
