
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Urgent: Doberman puppies need help! (updated 11-16)

The Doberman Assistance Network rescued four 10 week old puppies from a breeder in South Carolina yesterday. Sadly, they all have parvo. There were in fact five puppies, but one has died.

If you can help them in any way, please visit the sponsorship page on the Doberman Assistance Network website.

Parvo is an infectious disease that is almost always fatal in puppies. They vomit, they get diarrhea, they become lethargic and dehydrated very quickly.

Parvo is something that is vaccinated for by responsible owners, but at 10 weeks, these puppies would not have received adequate immunization against it. 

The puppies are receiving emergency care at non discount prices. No amount that you can give is too small; if you can donate at all, it could mean a big difference for these puppies' lives. 

Please, if you can spare it, donate to the care of these puppies. They didn't ask for this.

Edited to add on November 16: Unfortunately, the little red girl (who the Doberman Assistance Network christened Rose), did not make it. Her sisters, Violet and Bluebell, are scheduled to come off of IV's today. Their brother, Dodger, has remained full of beans. When Violet and Bluebell were moved to a different vet, their Parvo tests actually came back negative, but they were full of parasites (hookworms and whipworms), so it would seem their prognosis is better than anticipated! It's unclear whether the first vet was incorrect, ran an incorrect test, etc. Thank you everybody who has donated, and anybody who will consider donating. It saves lives!

Dodger (don't you love his face? He's trouble, clearly!)


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you for sharing, it's much appreciated!

  2. All our paws are crossed for these little ones
    Benny & Lily

    1. Here too, I really hope the rest of them pull through!

  3. Oh that is sad. Parvo is a scary thing.

    1. It is truly scary :(

      (though they found out today that it wasn't parvo...or that the remaining puppies don't have it. So, a mystery.)

  4. OMG! These puppies have melted my heart. How heart breaking. I sure hope they get the help they need and survive.

    1. I know, their little faces just make me cry. They're in good hands now, to be sure.

  5. Oh dear - so sad! I hope they all make it and receive the necessary funds! :(

    1. I hope they do too! There are a lot of dedicated people out there in rescue.

  6. Yikes, so awful. I do hope they get the help they need. This disease has killed enough little ones as it is.

    PS. Usually I pay no attention to ads but the one below this comment box is kind of shouting at me. It's headline reads: "93% of Dobermans are dying too early." I have no idea what this means but am kind of scared to click the link.

    1. Well that's a scary ad to see. I've got a Domino's one right now. I can't claim to know the formula >.>

  7. OMD, they're all gorgeous! Hope they recover soon. I had a red dobie that people used to think was a coon hound due to her floppy ears. I'll chip in what we can, thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you so much for helping out! It's really appreciated it.

      It's funny, the Doberman - Coonhound connection that a lot of people try to make. When you look at them next to each other, they really don't look alike at all!

  8. I hate hearing stories like this one since Parvo can be avoided. Thanks for putting the call out for help. I hope that the rest of the litter survives and thrives.

    1. Stories like this just break my heart, both because puppies are so blameless and because Parvo (and the parasites they apparently ACTUALLY have; DAN just found that out today.) are so treatable and avoidable.

  9. I'm confident that DAN will do everything in their power to save them. When they switched vets, apparently the little girls left don't actually have parvo, but rather lots of parasites. Hopefully that means they've got a better prognosis!
