
Friday, December 28, 2012

The New Year Approacheth

It's that time of year again, when everybody's talking about goals.

I was talking to somebody today who showed me a clipboard with their week's To Do list affixed; I realized that I don't really make To Do lists. I don't even really make shopping lists. I mean, sure, I have a general game plan in mind typically, but it's rare that I actually map out those thoughts in a take along, check list manner.

Which, of course, brought me to my thoughts on the new year.

I guess one of my 2013 goals is to try and get more organized. This pertains to a number of things; blog planning, house cleaning, keeping myself on task with writing. I'm frequently good at coming up with ideas, but the follow through? Not always my strong suit.

For training goals, I'd like to get those last couple of tricks down with Elka so that she can get the Intermediate Trick Dog title. It looks like we have about 9 or 10 of the requisite 12 down; we need to work further on "balance and catch", "go to your bed", and perhaps carrying my purse or closing a door (though the door thing needs to wait until's cold!)

For blog goals, I already added a new tab to the top, called "Sponsorship on The Elka Almanac". I've already had my very first non review or giveaway sponsored post, but I look around and see blogs where people mention sponsorships by EzyDog and Merrick and such and think "Well that's neat. Let's work towards something like that!" 

I also did some YouTube videos this year, and I'd like to continue to build on that in the next year. I have to remember to record said videos, of course. This past weekend, I had Elka blasting around at top speeds in my grandparents' backyard. Did I remember to do video of her joyful gallop? Nope. Bad blogger!

(It was like this, but not at the beach. Colder. And off leash, because of the fence.)

So, nothing too major. Certainly attainable goals. I do always wonder why this goal setting nonsense happens in the middle of winter, of course, when the desire to hibernate is strong and the motivation runs dry. Artificial pick me up? Yearly cycle of renewal? Setting the clocks to zero, clean slate, etc. etc.? A good a time as any, I guess. 

Do you have New Years' goals for yourself and your dog?


  1. I did this last year in the 2nd week of January, set out my blog goals. I made some of them and didn't make others.

    I will probably do this again this coming year. Good luck with your goals!!

  2. I don't worry too much about goals except just to get through daily to do lists. I make lists of lists.

  3. Good job Elka, sounds like you are learning awfully fast. Those are lots of things to know. We know for 2013 we want more cheese.
    Benny & Lily

  4. My problem with all of my lists (daily to-do, goals, etc) is that then I forget to look at them! LOL

  5. I make lots of them each year, but just like you, it's that follow through that seems to be a problem. LOL! Looks like your goals are attainable though, so good luck! :-)

  6. I'm taking up the challenges for Jan. and beyond put forth by (walking your dog 30 minutes for 30 days; in my case, Justus) and Something Wagging This Way (grooming: nails, baths, ears...for everyone).

    With more energy now, I'm trying to organize my blogging better. Cleaning? always last on my list but I tell ya - after 5 days in a very clean (to my eyes) hospital, this house and yard needs serious work! HA.

    Have a Happy New Year.

  7. Good plan!
    We just want more walks and more family outings.....2013, here we come!

    Wyatt and Stanzie

  8. My goals will be on the blog tomorrow. Good luck with yours!

    I think resolutions are really a way to get people through January, which is a letdown of a month otherwise. Three big holidays in the 45 days or so before, then nothing until February, and Valentine's is more depressing than no holiday for a lot of people. Plus exercise, probably the #1 resolution, helps to counteract real SAD and that other sad (from putting on those five pounds at Christmas.)
