
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Witty Title Here

So, I didn't really know what to post about. It's rare that I'm at a loss for doggie words, but there it is.

So, a couple of random things (that I suppose I could have/should have saved for This 'n' That Thursday with 2 Brown Dawgs et al, but, well, it's Tuesday and I'm stalling for a "real" post come Thursday. Dreams really do come true, right?)

An article about BPA leech and dog toys. I can't be the only one who wishes we didn't have to worry about stuff like this. But, with big industry comes big problems. Clearly. And the pet industry is a big 'un nowadays. At least they've finally outlawed it in baby bottles?

Let's see....

So, I've always had a liking for classical music, and yes actively seek it out and listen to it on occasion. Interesting counterpoint to other things I listen to, such as Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Bruce Springsteen, and Nirvana, right? But, specifically, I've fallen in love with the cello of late. I've never touched one, but I'd sure like to. I even have a favorite solo cello piece (Julie-o, by Mark Summer) and a favorite performance of it (Elizabeth Willey, though the video isn't on YouTube anymore. This Break of Reality one is pretty good, though).

(Plus, Kelly knows Break of Reality. Or her fiance does. I'm unclear.)

I also quite like TED Talks, and this duet of Robert Gupta (violin) and Joshua Roman (cello; a Stradivarius, various sources say, though it isn't on the Wikipedia list of known Strads. Or it is, but Joshua Roman isn't on said Wikipedia list. Somebody's been remiss. Either way, it's a neat list to look at, to see the nicknames of the instruments, and who had them, and who has them now.)

I'm not sure how many of my readers are a fan of The Watchmen, either in graphic novel or movie form (or both!), but this makes me snicker. Every time I look at it:

Also, so far as LOL Cats go, Grumpy Cat there must be their king, as rather than speaking in illiterate, he speaks in Rorschach.

And, one final meme before I wrap this up, starring Kim Jong Un (I'm already banned in China apparently [and that's an interesting link to follow, which web sites people in mainland China can't view]; does North Korea have a creepy Internet firewall as well? It seems to be the earmark of horrible places to live.)


  1. Might be my favorite blog post title ever! And I love TED, too. BPA is a real concern of mine, having had a dog that developed mouth cancer (we're sure it was from the plastics.)

    1. Hah, thanks!

      Yeah, articles like that about BPA certainly make me side-eye a whole lot of things in the house. I just don't know enough about it; I was being paranoid about other things, not plastic, for crying out loud!

  2. Besides being banned in China, I learned that my blog was also not available in Iran. I guess North Korea is a given.

    1. I've wondered about Iran, actually. And Egypt ,though I guess in Egypt, it comes and goes.

  3. Ha ha ha ha ha! Oh, I love both versions of The Watchmen, and I am now in love with that cat all over again! That is hilarious!

    It turns out that I'm NOT banned in China. Woo!

    1. Yeah, apparently my fiance is done with grumpycat. I can laugh at that Watchmen one over and over again, though.

      Hmm. I guess China simply cannot live without Bunny's cuteness!

  4. Love your post title and like the conversation too! It makes you think and be entertained! Thanks for sharing.

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