
Friday, January 4, 2013

Snow, and 500th post!

Wow, post 500! How time flies, right?

We've gotten a lot of snow here, last week and this week. It held off for a good long time, really; most of the time, in Central New York, we have snow long before December. Sometimes even on Halloween, which as a child I certainly would have hated (though many of my Halloweens were rainy).

Elka likes the snow quite a lot. She bounds around in it, and runs as fast as she can. She tells us that she needs to go out, even though we know she's "empty", as it were, so that she can play in the snow. I admit, as a grumpy grown up (I liked the snow until I had to do things like drive in it), I don't always want to suit up and go outside and get cold and wet. But there are times that I do, because her joy is totally worth it.

I am, however, always ready to go back inside sooner than she is.


  1. Congratulations!! 500 posts is quite the achievement. It (almost) makes up for the snow, which thankfully has STAYED AWAY from Casa de Kolchak!

    1. Lucky! I kind of wish our snow had stayed away as well.

  2. Congrats on reaching 500!
    I wish we had snow too:-(

  3. oooh that's a lot...500 wow! Congratulations! Enjoy the snow Elka, hope it tastes like Vanilla ;o)

    1. Thanks!

      Strangely, she never tries to EAT the snow. Even if she picks some up with a ball or frisbee, she just "muppet mouths" to get it clear of her jaws.

  4. Snow is good! or at least that's how we feel in this house! Congratulations on your 500th post!

    1. I kind of prefer the sunshine, but Elka takes things like this in stride!

  5. Congrats on the 500th post! That's a huge achievement!

    1. Thanks very much! It's a whole lot of words ;)

  6. Look at all that snow! Have fun playing and congratulations on post 500
    Benny & Lily

    1. Oh, Elka always has fun, believe you me! ;)

  7. It looks like you have as much if not more snow than we do. I'm lucky my dogs are not be players in the snow, unless we are hiking of course. :-)


    1. We got a whole bunch over a couple of days, with a lot last Saturday (Dec 29)...the library actually closed early! We've had a couple of sunny days since, though, which has brought it to a slightly more manageable level.

  8. HAPPY 500!! OMD! That is so cool Elka.
    I love your snow pics ~ and your Moms right, you look like you are just havin' a blast!!


    1. Thanks! I was somehow surprised when I realized I was getting close...go figure!

      Elka continues to think the snow is very, very fun.

  9. Yay! Snow!!!

    I know just how Elka feels. We had 4- inches right after Christmas and the dogs went wild. They love the fresh snow. Even Daisy, who rarely plays in the snow anymore, had a great time!

    Hoping you have had plenty of play sessions Elka!

    Congrats on the 500th post! That is a very big deal. :)

    1. Last weekend we had a 6 inch or more snowfall in just one day, with the day before and the day after having accumulation as well. She's so happy!

  10. It is wonderful to see happy dogs in the snow. Two of mine love it, and I go out there too with them....and yes, I'm always "done" with it well before they are. :-)

    Congrats on your 500th post! Great accomplishment!

  11. Congratulations!

    Does Elka not need a coat outdoors? I'm surprised to see her naked, since you've blogged about her love of her little sweatshirt.

    1. In the house, she'll whine and complain for her hoodie, and visibly shiver. When she's tearing around outside, she doesn't seem to care at all, both physically and mentally. Of course, that's also just in the backyard, after a potty break. If we were on a more extended jaunt, I'd probably zip her fleece vest on outside of her harness.

  12. I agree - their joy makes going out in the cold snow totally worth it :)
