
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Product review: The HooRag

We were contacted by Mary at HooRag bandanas, to see if I wanted to review the product for Elka. I'd never heard of HooRags before, though I'm happy that I have!

A HooRag is a seamless bandana, a tube of stretchy fabric that can be used in a number of ways. I don't frequently use bandanas, not because I dislike their usefulness or aesthetic, but because they can be bulky, or get untied and lost, or the knots get cemented after they get wet and dry...that kind of thing.

Imagine my delight at the compact package the HooRag made when I got it in the mail!

It's kind of an ingenius thing really, the HooRag (which, ever time, makes me think of "All the Whos in Whoville". Not a bad thing, really, just a facet of my strange mind. Much like "bandana" and "banana" being linked). It doesn't smell funny, the fabric has a nice texture, and it's easily handled. 

I of course popped it right onto Elka. This picture makes her neck look SUPER LONG!

An unforeseen benefit of the HooRag (to me) was as a mut for Elka's tags. She does have many, all of which are of course completely necessary.

Also? If you pull it up on her ears, it's a snood! She looks like a lady in a babushka just below, and is kind of bemoaning her fate with me behind the camera and making her look at me.

She looked forgot all about her becoming babushka once I let her have the squid toy for a little while. 

HooRags come in a number of colors and patterns. You can even special order some, with your company logo on them! Of course, HooRags are not limited for canine use. You can use it as a headband, a ponytail holder, a balaclava, a neckwarmer....Oh yeah, and shipping is free, which is always awesome!

So, thanks very much, HooRags, for our HooRag! I enjoy it, and recommend it!

(FTA disclosure: We received one HooRag for review and were not otherwise paid or compensated for this post)


  1. Great review! Elka looks very stylish in hers. Jeffie tried the babushka look, too, but he refused to let me publish the photos ;-)

    1. I assure you, Elka was not thrilled with the babushka look! We've done it a couple times since, though, and I think she's becoming...tolerant...anyway.

  2. Super cool! I watched the video on all the ways you can wear the HooRag and was very impressed.

  3. Ooohhhhh, I would love to have that over my ears this cold weather.....BTW, you sure know to rock that thing! You look very stylish!


  4. Very nice review Elka. You are stylin
    Benny & Lily

  5. I'm impressed! That looks like it would be handy for a lot of things!

    1. It seems so, doesn't it? Roxanne at Champion of My Heart did a review as well; she's been using it as a belly warmer for Lilly!

  6. Huh, what an interesting thing. I don't wear these but these may be interesting for short hairy doggehs!


  7. Oh, ME LIKEY!!! Nows I want one! Very cool Elka!
