
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Show off your dog's waistline!

I don't know about you, but I'm tired of hearing about health and obesity. Mostly because I could stand to lose a few myself, but hush now. I'm working on it.

Elka's weight, to date, has not been a problem for us to maintain, and well. The fact that she's oversized (i.e., taller than she should be) is added incentive, as I don't want undue stress on her joints. Those need to last her a good long while, you know!

Pet obesity can be a problem, though, especially because dogs and cats are ultimately at our mercy for food. We can feed them adequately, or too much, or not enough. Adequate is the goal, obviously. A dog (or cat) in a home setting isn't necessarily hardwired to stop eating when "full". What does "full" mean to a dog, anyway?


Name: Elka
Sex: Female
Breed: Doberman
Age: 3

Of course, looking at her like that from top down (and she kind of hunched, I admit, and turned around a bit to see what exactly I was doing back there), she doesn't look all that skinny. You can see the tuck in, certainly.

Here's another angle, though:

And of course the side view, for the tuckup:

Elka does not have as much "bone" as some Dobermans people see, and she's been accused at least once of being a Greyhound mix (sigh) (though somebody else once leaned out of their top floor window and asked if she was a Greyhound, I think they didn't really know anything about dogs).


  1. I can completely relate to what your saying. Because of the potential problems Winston could get with his breathing and his back if he were to gain too much weight I am very cautious of not over feeding. However, he is very lean for the breed so people sometimes think he isn't getting fed enough. It's a pain in the bum!

    1. Some people do exclaim things like "Oh, she's so skinny!" Nope, she's fit. It's one of those things ^^ It can be hard not to give them treats and extras when they want them so!

  2. My thick coat tends to hide my waistline, but it is there. It's important not to let pets become too heavy.

    1. I believe you, Clowie! I think you look very fit.

  3. We are fitness freaks at our house so it is nice to see a dog that stays in shape!

    1. Honestly, I need to use Elka as a role model. It's so hard when it's cold and icy, though!

  4. Very nice and trim. Our pugs are actually a good weight but often look a bit bigger due to the pug build our vet is always happy ours are thin, so many people let their pets get huge

    urban hounds

    1. It is rare to see pugs of a nice weight! They are kind of barrel shaped in build, but there is a such thing a as a fit pug.

  5. We are going to show it off cause we are proud of it!
    Benny & Lily

  6. Elka looks magnificent...for a Greyhound. ;) I can't believe someone actually thought that!! She's an excellent example of a Doberman with no room for error if I ever saw one!

    1. I am frequently perplexed by what people don't know about dog breeds. I mean, Dobermans are kind of one of those iconic ones; it's why they're so often villains in things, people know what they are! Ah well, I guess not everybody can be dog nuts.

  7. Elka is a flawless greyhound! I've never seen those colours on a greyhound. Definitely makes her more unique ;)

    1. Hah, I know, right? She's a sooper rare one ;)

      (truth be told, I don't know what colors greyhounds come in. But I daresay black and rust isn't one of them)

  8. Elka is looking great! Thank you for participating in the campaign!

    1. Thanks for running the campaign! I think it's a good and worthy cause.

  9. A greyhound? Really?

    I think that it can be hard to tell weight from a photo. Sometimes it depends on how the dog is standing. I usually feel my dogs to check weight. :)

    1. A greyhound, and more than once. Totally bizarre.

      A lot can affect getting an accurate visual (and her occasional roaching and too-long croup don't really help). I can feel Elka's ribs and spine just enough!

  10. I'm glad to see you joining in on the campaign! I have always thought that Elka looks fantastic. Bunny is being gracious and exercising me every day, even though she has a perfect figure! *sigh*

    1. Aw, thanks!

      I definitely need to let Elka influence my diet and exercise better. I worry more about her feeding and weight than mine (well, I worry about mine, but am less proactive....). But spring is almost here, right? Why do we do New Year's resolutions, anyway? It should be spring ones!

  11. She looks great! I worry about their weight and their joints especially as they age. I want them to be happy, healthy and enjoy themselves as much as possible.

    Keep up the good work. :-)

  12. She looks wonderful and athletic. Sampson is the same, too tall and a tad skinny, in fact he has lost a kilo lately, I can't seem to keep his weight on :(


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