
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Product Review: Rubit Clip (and giveaway!)

When I received Elka's swank new collar from my aunt, I realized that if I wanted to switch tags between collars with any kind of ease, I should probably look into getting a Rubit clip. I'd heard a lot of people mention them, and most people seem to like them. It isn't like it's a huge hassle to switch the tags, but most innovation comes from convenience, right? Right.

So, I wrote to Rubit, and they sent me not one, but three clips! A very generous surprise, I thought. So, I've used one, and I'm going to give two away!

Because I get paranoid about strange things, I was actually a little leery of having all of Elka's tags on one single attachment. They're on two separate rings to begin with, each then attached to the collar. There's enough information on each "bundle" that she would find our way back to us (providing somebody was honest, obviously. There's always that.) 

There's actually a little less noise when all of the tags are hanging off of a single source. This is good and bad. You've heard of "belling the cat", I assume? The Rubit is really cool looking, and seems sturdy. In the time that Elka's tags have been on it, the device itself doesn't seem to have bent/scratched/warped/anything, which is great. However, it has fallen off twice, which I'm not a terribly big fan of. Both times were at home, and when Elka was curled up and cuddled up on the couch. It could be that the Doberball position she takes is what caused the clip to undo itself? It's never shown any sign of that when she was walking outside, and the leash does not clip onto the same portion of the collar that holds the tags.

(as it turns out, taking pictures of a black clip against a black dog isn't so great. The above isn't so great either. So it goes.)

So, I've been keeping an eye on things (as one should anyway), but it seems like the Rubit clip should be sturdy and reliable. 

If you would like either the Medium Curve Rhinestone clip (left in the first picture) or the Medium Heart (right), then leave a comment below expressing which clip you would like, and how many tags are on your dog's collar. If you do comment without logging in, please at least leave your email in the comment, or I will have no way to contact you. Giveaway will run from today, Thursday March 21, until Monday March 25. Elka will choose the winners (via Elkacopter, as somebody once mentioned) and I'll announce at some point after that. 

FTC disclosure: Rubit! send me the dog tag clips for review, but did not otherwise compensate me for this post.


  1. Thanks for the review. Good to know how the clip functions. I would be worried about it falling off thought. Do you know how it happen? Did it happen again?

  2. I've been really happy with our clips and we have never had one come undone. That surprises me, because the springs in ours seem pretty sturdy. We'd love to have that heart one! We had one like that with Bunny's tags on it, but I'd taken it off for some pictures one day and we haven't been able to find it since, and the local dog bakery doesn't sell the heart shaped ones any more. The ones we had with rhinestones had all the rhinestones fall off and disappear.

  3. What a neat little invention!
    Kyuss currently has 2 tags on his collar, although it should be 3. I'm just a lazy butt.
    He will also soon have another as I am buying him a new tag off Etsy soon. =]
    I love the look of that rhinestone one. i think it would look fab on Kyuss haha.

  4. We use the Rubit clips too. Please enter us in the drawing for the rhinestone clip. I'm super surprised that your clip fell off! That's no good. The three we have have really tight spring clips. Freedom, Casper & Nikki each have three tags on their clips.

  5. Thanks for the review. I'd love the red heart clip for Beamer. He has 6 tags. I figure if he ever got lost and someone were to find him, they'd see how many tags he has and realize he's super loved and return him. Lol :)

  6. Great review. We heard those were pretty cool
    Benny & Lily

  7. Seems like a great idea for my 16 month old (and still growing!) Doberpup. He has three tags, but they're always difficult to change over and it seems he gets a new collar every month. Keine's a boy, so he might not want to wear a heart on his collar.

  8. Great idea! I have heard about these before. Pyrrha usually has one or two tags on her collar. I like the black clip or the heart one!

  9. Oh, I've never seen these before ~ they look great! I have two collars butts only one tag (????? That's my Ma for ya!) I would love one of em! Let's see, if I was lucky enought to gets picked, I'll let you choose! Surprise!
    Great Review Elka!

  10. Gizmo usually has two or three tags, depending on which collar he's wearing and whether it's a "dressy' occasion or we're out hiking...I'd like to win the Medium Curve Rhinestone clip

  11. I have one, so I'm not entering the giveaway, but I will say--Silas's has never come off. But, he did manage to pop the spring out of the hole on one side. I bent it back into place, and have been keeping an eagle eye on it since.

    I go for total tag silence--we use the tag clip AND a Quiet Spot, which is a little neoprene pouch that velcros around. One of his metal tags made a terrible place on Silas's neck, so we keep them covered. Then, because it would be so much trouble to read his tags, I got our phone number embroidered on his collar.
