
Thursday, May 23, 2013

Missing Blogpaws....

One of these years, I'll make it to Blogpaws. Really I will. I'd like to go. Will I bring Elka, though? No, probably not.

I happily bring her to New Jersey at Christmas, or to North Carolina on vacation, but though the trip itself is somewhat stressful, the rest of the vacation really isn't. She gets to lounge around with people she likes and appreciates in a relatively calm environment.

(Relatively. We Donohues, when gotten together, can get a little loud and rowdy.)

Blogpaws, though? She would hate it. And managing that would make me miserable too.

Even without attending Blogpaws, I've still learned from those who have!

Laurie Luck, at Smart Dog University: The Difference Between Dog Owners and Dog Trainers

Mrs. Taleteller, from Tales and Tails: So why Go To a Pet Blog Conference

(I don't really "get" SEO either. It's one of those things that I know will be good for me and the blog, and I try to read about, but I just glaze over every time I start to try)

And oh yeah, Jodi Chick at Kol's Notes won the Best Bark Blog! Congratulations to her!

I'd be lying if I said I didn't envy all the swag that people who go to Blog Paws get, like Oskar's mom, who had to ship her haul home! We all like swag, right? Right!

Even though I stayed home, I'm eagerly reading everybody's posts about their experiences. If I can't learn by going, I can learn what you learned.


  1. I'm trying to work up the nerve to do a social media experiment based on some of the things I learned at BlogPaws. I think you're wise to know Elka's limits and what she can and can't handle. Bunny would love it, but she would also be good if I left her in the hotel room for the afternoon while I went to sessions and then came back to get her. She'd be in the same spot on the bed where I left her when I got back. I wouldn't drag her around all day, although I unfortunately saw a lot of dogs who shouldn't have been there in attendance or should have been given a break.

    I will say that if you're interested in going to BlogPaws next year, get hooked up with their community. You might be able to get a sponsorship, which is a learning opportunity all on its own!

    1. You totally should experiment! One, because I'd love to see what it is, and two because experiments are fun and interesting and you just never know how it'll turn out.

      Bunny is, I think, far more chill than Elka. She would totally rock BlogPaws ;)

  2. I would have loved to have gone as well, being new to blogging it's fun to see everyone's posts about their experiences! My dogs agree with Elka - they'd rather stay home and eagerly await the swag :).

    1. Reading everybody's posts have been great fun!

  3. I agree with you Elka, that would be tooo much for me too - but my mom would sell her soul to visit Blogpaws (sadly no one will buy her soul - no wonder)

    1. Souls aren't the hot commodity they once were, I guess. Kind of a shame, really!

  4. I would have LOVED to meet you there. Maybe one day....?

    We considered bringing Bella with us - but NOT to the event. In the end, we decided just the trip would be too much for her. One of the topics I'm going to cover from my BPs experience is about just that though.

    I loved meeting the dogs but there were dogs there who were obviously not as thrilled as their owners might have hoped they'd be. It was interesting to watch from a perspective I don't think everyone has. (Once you have a fearful/anxious/reactive dog, I think you will never see animals the same way again.) Good on you for knowing Elka's limits.

    1. Awww...yeah, maybe one day.

      Even though Elka isn't really reactive (or she is to some things, but not enough to be categorized as such?), I know so much more now than I used to about stress signals, when a dog is really afraid, etc. and I really feel bad for some dogs I see a lot of time time. And sometimes get myself in trouble with my mouth.....

  5. We feel the same way, one day we will get there
    Benny & Lily

  6. We haven't gone either...maybe one day! You are not alone! :)

    1. We're all sitting at home yearning about BlogPaws! ;)

  7. Next year! Vegas! Get a sponsor!

    1. Yeah, I saw that was in Vegas! That's super exciting ^^

  8. One day!! I'll keep my paws crossed for ya!!

  9. Sounds like Elka would be quite happy to wait happily at home for you to bring her a swag bag. :)

    BTW, I give my swag bag away every year. So I hope you'll come by for my Something Swagging This Way Comes contest tomorrow for a chance to win it.

    1. Yeah, Elka would probably prefer to stay home, even though she misses me while I'm gone! It's definitely a conundrum.

      Ooh, swag bag giveaway! I'll definitely have a look :D

  10. I'm with you Elka - to much craziness at BlogPaws for the likes of us. My mom says I'm wired enough without getting more wound up with all that fun! I'm trying to talk he into letting me go to Vegas, but I don't think I'm going to win ;(

    1. Vegas is one of those mythic places! Home might be safer, though.

  11. We missed Blog Paws too. We're Canadian though, so the plane ticket and board would have been way too much for my meager student income (or lack thereof). Maybe you could go next year! Vegas would be much more fun, anyway! :D

    We're also living vicariously through those that blogged about Blog Paws.

  12. Some of the dogs were better than others, but then again some of the owners were too. It highly depends on the correct combination of the two. Personally, I wouldn't take either of my dogs.
