
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Red Doberman boy, Bankston, looking for a home in Louisiana

This is Bankston

(picture from his page on the Capital Area Animal Welfare Society web site)

Bankston is a red (neutered) Doberman boy in Louisiana, with an estimated birth date of March 2011. The rescue pulled him from a shelter, the shelter pulled him from his home, where he was neglected and malnourished, and now he's regaining his weight and health in loving hands. I hear tell he is very sweet, still goofy and puppyish, and who would love to have a forever home! 

(picture from his page on the Capital Area Animal Welfare Society web site)

Bankston is heartworm positive, unfortunately, and his weight needs to reach more acceptable levels before he can go through the heartworm treatment. Evidently, according to the rescue site, he's already gained ten pounds since his neuter! He's on the right track.

Even if you can't adopt Bankston, but have some extra funds rattling around, there are links at the bottom of his CAAWS page for donations. You can be a monthly donor, or a one time donor; just remember to put "Bankston" in the information so that the funds go to his medical care!


  1. Poor Bankston. How could anybody do that to such a beautiful boy? He is so skinny. I hope he finds a forever home real soon and is loved and taken care of like he deserves. Thanks for joining the blog hop!

    1. Thanks for hosting it!

      It's unbelievable to me what people will do to a dog.

  2. He's gorgeous, I hope he finds his forever home soon. Will share.


  3. That poor baby isn't looking any too good. I have plenty of LA friends. Facebooked and tweeted.
