
Friday, May 3, 2013

Two Dobermans need a home in or near Brooklyn NY: Justice and Jool

In Brooklyn, NY, Justice and Jool hope for homes soon. Their owner passed away, with no family  members and no provisions for their care. They are currently safe, boarding at a veterinarian, but it would be great if they could be adopted in Brooklyn, or someplace nearby! If they cannot, Illinois Doberman Rescue has agreed to take them, but again, it would be better if they could be adopted, together, locally. The point of contact regarding them would be Barbara, whose email is Swift76 AT aol DOT com

Justice is 14 (!) and Jool is 8, and they do need to go together. A lot of people might hesitate to adopt a senior dog, but I'll direct you to read "Reasons to Adopt a Senior Dog", written by Nicole (also known as Meadowcat) about having adopted her senior boy Simon. 

They've been kenneled at this vet's for two months. They do get time everyday with the techs and employees, but we know that isn't the same as being part of a family.

If you're in or near Brooklyn, and willing to take two Dobermans of stately years, this is a fabulous opportunity. We all know how much a dog can enrich one's life; I can only imagine that rescuing a pair like this would be too rewarding to reckon.

Their vaccinations are up to date, and their medical histories would be provided; both are healthy dogs. The "close to Brooklyn" stipulation is so as not to cause them undue stress; their lives have already been turned upside down as it is! Poor pups must be very confused as to where their owner has gone, and why s/he is not returning for them. They have each other, though. 

It would be appreciated by all parties if you could spread the word, if you know somebody looking to expand their family. Again, Justice and Jool are safe, they need to go together, and contact is Barbara, email Swift76 AT aol DOT com

Edited to add: In the hopes of getting Justice and Jool more attention, it was suggested that I add this post to the Tuesday Tails blog hop. This is a new blog hop designed to help get shelter dogs attention. The blog hop is open throughout the week, for the sake of convenience. Many thanks to DogsNPawz for creating this blog hop!

Dogs N Pawz


  1. Breaks my heart. Sharing. Have thought thought about linking up with the Tuesday Tails Blog Hop? Adoptable pets posts can be added all week long and that way get more "eyes" and sharing.

    1. Thanks for sharing! I didn't know about the Tuesday Tails Blog Hop, actually, thank you for letting me know!

      At least they weren't dumped at that age....but I still feel so bad for them.

  2. Oh, they are SOOOOO beautiful!! My heart breaks for them. I'm glad they are in the care of such lovely peeps right now. I'll keep my paws crossed some generous, lovely peeps open up their hearts and homes to these lovely pups.

    1. They are just gorgeous! And Justice is 14 and looks that good! That's pretty amazing, considering the longevity problems the Doberman has developed. I'm really hoping somebody takes them home soon.

  3. Aww! I hate to see any dog returned to a kennel, but especially seniors. After our own experience with senior dogs, we know what gems they are. I hope they find a home together soon!

    1. It's really a shame. I guess their owner expected to outlive them? But, there are wonderful people who appreciate senior dogs, it's just a matter of getting their attention!

  4. Dobermans are such beautiful dogs. We watch the Doberman judging when we are at all breed dog shows, and they are so graceful and their coats just shine under the lights!

    I hope these two find a home soon!

    1. They are just so very striking! Definitely a think that drew me to the breed.

      They both look very good for their ages, and have good spring in their steps! I hope they do too.

  5. So sad. I hope they find a forever home soon. Thank you for joining the blog hop and I'm off to share their story.

    1. Yes, I hope so too. I'm glad that they have lots of human contact every day, but it still has to be very hard for them.

      Thank you for visiting, and sharing!

  6. Strangely enough, I spent some time today composing letters to various people for the care of Georgia if anything should happen to us while on holiday. I update these letters regularly, and every time we go away because you just never know. I hope Justice and Jool find a family who will take them both. They've been together so long, it would be sad to separate them, though 2 homes would still be better than none.

    Good luck X
