
Monday, June 17, 2013

Playing Games

Elka and I have little games we play throughout the day. She doesn't really do "solo play", as she seems to think she needs to be in contact with one of us at all (or most) times. She also frequently doesn't play with only one toy at once, though that occasionally happens. With squeaky toys, we tend to tell her "I don't want that, it's yours" and then she'll go and play. Maybe Elka's just a really good sharer?

While I do bring at least one squeaky toy on our walks, Elka's attention doesn't remain on them. There's too much in the world to see. So, we "play" my boring game of down-stay:

And we play Elka's far more interesting game of "hey, what's over there?"

We also play one of those nameless games that sort of organically occur. Whenever I'm in the kitchen, she's there watching. Sometimes, I turn to her, and make exaggerated "monster hands". I stalk towards her, and she gets all stiff and butt-wiggly, her ears squeezed back in anticipation. Then she runs away and I chase her into the living room, where she turns around to face me and slaps into a play bow, her butt up and her nub wiggling. Then I turn around and run away, and she comes after me, I turn back around, she runs back away, rinse, repeat.

I apologize for not having pictures or video of this; you understand it's not really a "take pictures while you do it" sort of deal, unless you're into found footage movies like Blair Witch Project and Cloverfield.

What bizarre, if fun, games do you play with your dog?


  1. That sounds like great fun! Finn's favorite came is waiting quietly in the kitchen while I cook so he can capture anything that falls on the floor (sometimes they fall by accident, sometimes on purpose!)

  2. Rooo what pawsome fun! I like to play tug, and to sniff out where my toy's been hidden! *waggy tail*

  3. We play a version of the chase game too but neither Jack or Maggie are big 'players' at all, so I have to be creative in trying to get them to have fun - they are both pretty buttoned up. The most fun they both have is with our 'find the food' game...but I'm afraid that's fun only because of the food.

  4. Mike plays a version of bitey face with Honey. But he uses his hands instead of his mouth. They both love it.

  5. Sometimes we play a "finger game" with my ears, my nose and my paws - it's totally embarrassing (specially moms singing) but I grin and bear it when she has fun.

  6. Omigoodness! Just like with a toddler. :) That's adorable!

  7. I love your description. It's like i play with my dogs, but on a much smaller scale, I'm sure.

  8. Yups, Ma does that with me too! I also bring her my balls, drop them at her feet so she can kick them while she's doin' stuffs...this annoys her sometimes, she says, butts I don't care! I mean, how much easier do I have to make it anyhu?! Geesh

  9. Your chase game sounds like fun - back and forth. I currently have a Coonhound, Halle, who climbs chain link fence so mostly she's in her outside 6 Ft pen with a topper. When I take her out, I'm teaching her to lunge like a horse on her 15 Ft lead for a confined exercise. Go, Halle, go!

  10. Elia is such a pretty dog. I love Dobermans. I've only known a few. One was pretty laid back, and the other has tons of energy and seems to always need something to do.

    I've taught my Lab "that's enough" which means I'm not going to throw the ball anymore.

  11. Hahaha, I pretend I'm a monster and stalk Beamer too. He loves it. He finds the closest toy and taunts me with it. He wants me to follow him.

  12. My guys aren't big game players, sometimes we play hide the food game or sometimes they're in mood for a little fetch, but that's about it.

  13. Kaiser plays a lot by him self! He prefers it!

    Your games sound like fun moments!
    Love the second shot! BEAUTIFUL!
    Have a nice day!
