
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Why We Give Elka People Food

Last week, in North Carolina, my family was on vacation as well. At dinnertime, Elka was very attentive of what was going on with regards to peoples' plates (at at non-nose touching distance, but close sometimes), and I did confirm that yes, she will eat a baked potato (she loves them, even plain!)

Because, you see, we do give Elka people food. It ranges from kind of junky (the occasional french fry) to the most virtuous (green beans, chicken breast), but it is something that we do, and something that we decided we were going to do before we even brought her home.

Of course, there are rules. If we're going to share with Elka, there's a certain level of behavior we expect. She may not be on our plates, or on the table. She may not be fussing or whining, or she gets nothing (think of Sgt. Schultz here).

We see a lot of behaviors get thrown out when Elka very desperately wants the food you're eating. She'll sit, obviously. And testify. And lay down. Sometimes she'll crawl, or spin. You can ask for at least three things before it isn't really fair anymore and you really should just give her something. Of course, sharing Elka with your food is not a requirement; our housemate hardly ever does, and at least one of our friends never has. She still hopes, though!


  1. I'm very good at begging a chip or two, especially when grampy visits:-)

  2. some things we share with Easy and some things better not. But a baked potato sounds very good!

  3. Good for Elka! We share pizza crusts and not much else. Company? They sneak food to our sad eyed dogs all the time.

  4. We get those goodies too
    Benny & Lily

  5. Honestly, I feed tons of people food to my guys! They get a bite of just about everything I eat as long as it's non-toxic to them, of course. Today, for example, they each got a slice of kiwi while I was having breakfast. With my lunch, I give them each a cherry tomato and a carrot. After dinner they'll get a little bit of leftover rice or spinach or whatever. They love it. It's healthy (I mean, minus the occasional French fry). And I'm happy to share with them!

  6. I think any kind of "real" food is beneficial to dogs! As long as it is safe for them, that is.

  7. You are lucky Elka. I get to taste it once in a while ... Happy Tasty Tuesday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  8. Yep, yep, we get "people food," too, and the humans expect similar "polite" behavior. Confession: sometimes they do feed us from the table. Fine by us!

    It is so weird when Mom gets scoffed at for feeding her dogs "people food." Just seems common sense to her that fresh food is healthy for all animals!

    Instead of "people food," Mom started calling it "fresh food."

  9. Gizmo does get bits and bites of people food, but it's always just a taste and never a meal...He is good about not begging, just waits patiently Happy 4th!

  10. You sound like my cruel mama! I've learned I can sit close and watch someone eating but I can't make a sound. Even one teeny whimper will be considered begging and cost me the bite I so badly want.

  11. We are firm believers that there is no "dog food" and "people food", there's just FOOD and it's either good for your dog or it isn't. There's no magic formula making the chicken in kibble any healthier than the stuff off your plate! Koly & Fe get a ton of fresh real food and I think they're all the healthier for it! Thanks for joining Tasty Tuesday!

  12. We sometimes let them lick our plates, depending what is on it. We are more apt to save a bit of weekend breakfast too. Everything in moderation I say.

  13. The main reason that Silas adores my mother is that she was willing to share her Christmas ham with him, in far bigger quantities than I would ever give him.
