
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Product Review: Halo Healthsome Biscuits

I've plugged FreeKibble for about as long as I've known about it. It requires almost zero effort, just a couple of clicks, and you help feed homeless pets Halo brand dog (and cat) food.

So, imagine my surprise and pleasure when I was offered the opportunity to review Halo Healthsome Biscuits (dog treats, don'tcha know), from  I selected the "beef and liver" flavor (Elka has loved liver when she's gotten it) and we received the package very quickly.

This time, Elka got into the action with opening the box.

They're small-ish treats. About an inch and a half. Crunchy. They'll break in half once, but won't really break any smaller than that without just crumbling.

(I really wish I had a better picture than this; I'm not really sure what it was my camera decided to focus on)

(same here)

The country of origin on these treats is the United States, and they have a pretty solid ingredients list:

Whole Wheat Flour, Beef, Beef Liver, Potato Flour, Pea, Flour, Chicken Liver, Rolled Oats, Chicken Fat (Preservedwith Natural Mixed Tocopherols), Pumpkin, Tomatoes, Apples, Sweet Potatoes, Cranberries, Split Peas, Carrots, Green Beans, Green Bell Pepper, Celery, Parsley, and Ascorbic Acid

Elka liked these treats immensely. She doesn't always go for the crunchy ones as much (or we haven't had them as much, I'm not sure), but she was exceptionally enthusiastic about these. They don't have much odor when you're dealing with them, and in the description on, the parsley is to aid in freshness of breath.

FTC dislocusure: sent me a bag of Halo Healthsome Biscuit dog treats for review, but did not otherwise compensate me for this post.


  1. I bet Beamer would love those!

    1. Elka isn't super into crunchy treats, and she really liked them. I'm sure Beamer would too!

  2. Those are yummy. Mom had to break them for us
    Benny & Lily

  3. We've tried those and they boys thought they were delicious!
