
Friday, December 6, 2013

It's that time of year again! Doberman Assistance Network Christmas raffle!

Every year, the Doberman Assistance Network does a raffle. Tickets are $5 each, payable by check or money order. The prizes...well, it's Twelve Days of Christmas Style. So, on the first day of the DAN Christmas Raffle (yesterday), the following image is what the "prize pack" was:

"TWO gorgeous Red ceramic cookie jars for your favorite four legged elves....filled to the brim with quality healthy treats....PLUS:::: a stunning leather collar studded with solid brass emblems...measures 26 inches and fits neck sizes from 18 to 24"

Good luck if you enter! Even if you don't, spread the word. DAN helps Dobermans, it's the whole point, and it's a shame just how many of them need helping.

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