
Monday, February 10, 2014

Westminster 2014 ~ Some Doberman Discussion

The 2014 Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show is on Monday, February 10. It snuck up on me! Dogster ran a post about it last week, which keyed me to the date. I don't have a Best in Show prediction, not really (I don't really follow the dog show circuit, as you may have guessed), but my opinion of it is kind of like Leonardo and the Academy Awards: I'd really like it if he got one of those Oscars, but patterns show somebody else is probably going to take it home.

So, I'd really like it if a Doberman got Best in Show (or even just won the Working Group this year; a Portugese Water Dog won last year, though FiFi [GCH Protocol's Veni Vidi Vici] got it the year before).
Doberman Line Drawing from Wikimedia Commons

The top five Dobermans invited to Westminster (however that works. How does that work? They aren't the current top 5 in the country) are

GCH Cambria's Vraiment Parfait
GCH Protocol's Veni Vidi Vici
GCH Tiburon Ariel Bella Dona
GCH Tiburon Arsenal
GCH Vondura's Xcelerator Belle Amie

Well, we know who Protocols Veni Vidi Vici is, and if you don't, you can take a gander at her Facebook page. Lots of lovely pictures of her, including win pics from a Philippines show a couple weeks back. 

A Doberman Talk member took pictures at a show a couple weekends ago (The Rose City Classic) and got some really amazing shots of Tiburon Arsenal (call name Gunner), so I already have a great opinion of that red boy. Cambria's Vraiment Parfait  (at least in her pictures on the website) gives me an impression of length; she's leggy, her neck is long, etc.  (though maybe she was a puppy in those pictures, as this more recent win picture shows her far more filled out).

The number 9 Doberman, Raindance Led Zeppelin of Marquis, call name Troy, was in the news just lately because he apparently sniffed out Stage II breast cancer in his owner (who got treatment and now, four years later, is all right). He's a handsome boy. 

Really, it's superfluous for me to refer to any of those dogs as attractive. Of course they are; they're the top 5 (or 10 or 20) Dobermans in the United States. Many judges across many shows have given them wins and points enough to be Grand Champions. 


  1. Is there politics in Doberman placements? There are even in Chessies at the Best of Breed level. I wish it weren't true but it is. Too often the better dog is passed over for the professional handler on a lesser dog. I am curious how the Chessies will place today. :)

    1. From what I understand, there's politics in ALL of it, handler, whether the dog is advertised, how well known the dog is, etc.. Which really just blows my mind, but I guess I'm just not a politically minded person. It seems like what should matter is the dog in front of the judge at that moment.
