
Monday, October 6, 2014

Goodbye, Summer

Elka and I have different perspectives on fall. 

She likes pouncing at the leaves when they blow. She likes sniffing around leaf piles, because to her, they must just be this magical collection of smells.

Me, fall means summer is over (even though it isn't officially fall yet, it's fall. Leaves have changed, they're on the ground. QED.) Summer is my favorite season, Winter least favorite, so Fall is that uncomfortable preview of what's to come. I saw three robins the other day, all together. They must have just packed for their trip, because this morning was the first time I had frost on the car windows. 

There are days in Winter here when you don't see the sun. Weeks, last winter, and it was miserably cold. I feel like the summer never quite got there, just a week or so here and there of truly hot weather. Plus, I hurt my ankle in May, so wasted a lot of it (I feel like it's 100% now, so hopefully we'll continue that way).

But Elka, well, she likes almost everything. She doesn't like being cold, that's true, but we have a hoodie and a fleece vest for that. She can get up on the couch or get in bed and have a blanket. She loves playing in snow, loves it more than leaves. 

And you know, it's one of the times I look to Elka to teach me. Achieving Elka zen would be a pretty great thing indeed!


  1. I like fall too, the smells in the air are gorgeous! and your fur looks great with the color of the leaves, Elka!

    1. I feel like fall is a great time for Elka pictures!

  2. You can show us some zen too
    Lily & Edward

  3. Fall is depressing to us, just knowing that we are moving away from the sun. Fortunately for the last week we have had our kind of temperatures in the 80s and low 90s.

    1. Oh, well higher temperatures are nice! We're still getting decent sunshine, anyway.

  4. Honey enjoys the fall and winter too. But she has a thick, warm coat. I'm surprised to read that Elka enjoys the cooler temps despite having a short coat.

    But I'm with you. I find Fall even harder than Winter. At least in the Winter I have the heat on and mitten, scarves, and coats. In the Fall, I can't get warm no matter what.

    So why do we live in this freaking cold state?

  5. I never understood people who loved summer, until the few years that we lived in Massachusetts. Then it made sense. Here, summer is hot enough to broil you, so we don't love it so much. Winter is nice and pleasant most years, but last year was quite cold for us. I'm hoping we get our usual 65 degree days this year.

  6. Glad to find your site and another lover of Dobies. My rotten Robin is sacked out on her bed with her blankie and pillow. They can teach you so much if you will just listen.
