
Monday, November 17, 2014

Product Review: Blue Buffalo Wilderness Treats, duck flavor

We got the email from offering treats for review, and I selected the duck flavored Blue Buffalo Wilderness treats. It's a brand I've been happy with, and after a series of mostly chewy and/or freeze dried treats, I thought something along the lines of a crunchy biscuit would be good to try.

Elka, of course, has yet to hate any of these treats I get for sample. It will be a somewhat shamefaced and embarrassing day when she does, I'm sure. The Wilderness treats are a little more than an inch square, and hard enough that they require, say, ten seconds of chewing instead of two or three. They crumble into four big-ish pieces and a bunch of dust if you try to break them in half. They also have adorable pawprints on each one!

Even though they're not her usual treat texture, Elka does in fact like these a good deal. They're a big dog-food scented, but not too bad. And I don't find the scent lingers on my hands, so that's good. Another plus, the treats come in the zip-topped bag, which I wish all things that came in bags like this did. 

And now the requisite, blurry, "giving the Doberman the treat" picture:

ftc disclosure: sent me one bag of these treats for my review. I was not otherwise compensated in any way.


  1. I am sure brown dawgs would love those!

  2. Have you taught Elka to balance treats on her nose? That might be one way for you to get a less blurry picture. :)

  3. I'm looking for a holiday present for my b-i-l's tazmanian devil. I'll try these, thanks.
