
Friday, January 16, 2015

Elka understands what blankets are for, just not why they don't do what she wants

You know how they say dogs and their owners resemble each other?

Well, I haven't attained a supermodel physique like Elka's (yet!) but she definitely shares a very strong opinion with me: she doesn't like being cold.

So the other morning, it was -6 when I got into my car. Yup. Negative. Six. My car went "rrrr, rrrr, rrrr" and then actually started, and I sat in my driveway listening to For Whom the Bell Tolls on CD, waiting for the thick frost on the inside of my windshield to thaw. The Internet tells me I can mix water and vinegar and spray that on the glass to prevent icing, but 1. I'm skeptical and 2. I don't want my car to smell like Easter eggs for the rest of its existence.

But Elka. If there's snow, she'll run around in it joyfully. She loves playing in the snow, and she's not inclined to come in until you suggest it. Unless it's -6, at which point she'll poop, she'll pee (in the same trip!!) and then run back to the door. Inside, she'll frequently be wearing her vest or her hoodie, and curl up under a blanket on the couch.

That -6 day, when I was at work, Elka was asleep on the couch under a blanket. My fiancé went upstairs for something, and Elka started barking. She doesn't bark much, and typically there's a reason (even if we're not immediately sure of what that reason is). So my fiancé came back downstairs, and Elka was standing on the couch. The blanket had slipped onto the floor, and she was barking at it. Like, "I trusted you, blanket, why aren't you covering me anymore!" He covered her again, and she curled up again, and went back to sleep.


  1. hahaha that blanket needs classes to come back when you call it :o)
    Easy Rider

  2. You tell him Elka! Blankets are very important
    Lily & Edward

  3. Sometimes my blanky is folded up on the end of the couch. I get it down by pawing at it and crying. Stupid blanky, trying to hide from me.


  4. It's funny how dogs and their owners are similar like that. Leah is my dog, and we both prefer the cold. Medi is more Nick's dog, and they're with you...walks are for summer! And Toby, who's everyone's dog (especially if you have food in your hand), is up for a walk no matter the weather. :-)

  5. Bahahaha!! Betrayed by a blanket!

    I am not sure how Blueberry would handle -6 temps. We can barely handle 30 degrees.

  6. LOL! She doesn't have her blanket trained yet?? :)

  7. Aww she looks so dang cuddly in that last picture! It's pretty cool that for a thin, short-haired dog, she loves being in the cold.

  8. Lol. That is awesome that she was yelling at the blanket! Leroy yells at the couch cushions all the time!

  9. That's funny! I love it when they bark at things. Sampson ran outside during a thunderstorm once and barked at the sky.

    Neither one of my guys stay under blankets, they do grab the prime spot by the fire though.

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