
Monday, February 27, 2012

Monday Mischief: February 27 2012

I've probably mentioned, though maybe not in these exact words, that Dobermans are said to be "Velcro dogs". 

It's true, of course. Even if she was asleep, if you get up off the couch to do something, Elka gets up too and goes right along with you. She "heels" fantastically off leash in the house, like a dream really! If you're in the bathroom, with the door closed, she's concerned for your safety and will whine outside. We're working on that one though; I encourage her to be quiet, and lay down in the kitchen doorway and wait. If she's like that when I get out of the bathroom, it's treat time. If not, "too bad". 

When we're sitting on the couch, Elka wants to be close to you. Very close. It's especially nice in the winter, I'll say, when it is in fact cold. However, Elka is not as aware of her paws as she is of her mouth, and we get stomped on more than we'd like! She will also, if you're taking up "too much" couch or chair space, sit or lay on you.


  1. My mom know the feeling....I am stuck to her like glue...ALL...THE...TIME! You never know when she will need to be rescued! BOL!!


    1. Oh, good point.Whatever I'm might not be safe!

  2. Sounds exactly like my Dolly. Where I go, she goes. Although she generally settles for looking out the window while I'm in the bathroom - she finds it more entertaining.

    1. I'm sure looking out the window is more entertaining than whining in the kitchen. Maybe it's just that she can't reach to see out the kitchen windows? ;)

  3. One of my dogs is still convinced there is a back door in the bathroom and I could disappear into Nardia and never return.

    1. Because there's a precedent!

      Well, in human eyes, there is. In dog eyes, I still don't get it. I've always come out of the bathroom. And I've always been in there the whole time.

  4. Oh, yes, the infamous, mom-sucking bathroom from which you will never return! HA. Points well taken and experienced with Justus and other(gasp)non-Dobermanns.

    1. And she doesn't want to be in there with me either, I assure you!

  5. Hi Y'all,

    Y'all, I've learned from y'all why I have so many beds of my own and why I'm not allowed on the couches and chairs. ;)

    Just hopped by from Monday Mischief to catch up on your happenings and say hello! Have a great week!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

    1. At least she'll move when we tell her to! Elka just wants to be with you. Always.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  6. I guess she just needs her Love the picture.

    1. She's all "Well, you said settle down somewhere. You didn't say this was off limits!"

  7. Ha ha ha! Sounds a lot like the Greyhounds! They're velcro dogs who hog the couch, too!

    1. I've heard that! Maybe it has to do with all that leg?

  8. Tee Hee Elka,

    There's no way they're gonna loose you in the house - cos you're always there when they need you :)

    I always wake up when there's movement and I follow Mum virtually anytime she moves in the house, just gotta make sure she's not up to Mischief, that's my job!! :)

    Have fun

    Your pal Snoopy :)

    1. Well, if it's dark out, I have a hard time SEEING here, but that's when I hear her!

  9. I usually give my person a little more space but I always like to know where she is. I got really upset the other day when she left me with my younger person in a parking lot and disappeared into a store.

    1. Left you in a parking lot?! She has her nerve! I hope she brought you something nice ;)

  10. I'm a velcro doggie too - and I spent all of last night watching TV with my humans lying first on top of one of them and then I moved over to the other so he wouldn't get jealous! I do not allow closed doors for bathroom visits - like Elka I want to know my humans are Okay in there! *waggy tail*

  11. Aw, it's very nice that you shared your time, Alfie!

  12. Replies
    1. She sometimes looks at you with the camera like "wut?"

  13. well then, perhaps desmond is part doberman. :-)

    when i read your blog, i often think that elka and desmond have quite a bit in common.
