
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tasty Tuesday, February 28 2012

Because I already spend so much time telling you how good Elka is, what's one more, right? (If this leads you to believe this is the last one, I apologize. I'm sure it isn't.)

Remember at Christmas, we went visiting? And my grandparents were so happy with how good Elka was? Well, I left out a detail that to me hadn't seemed like such a big deal. A giant house made out of chocolate.

How could it not be a big deal? Well, we didn't eat it. My grandparents won it at a local culinary institute raffle. And then, after Christmas, donated it to their local senior center, where it got eaten with nary a bite saved for either of them!

But, Elka didn't eat it either. Or even sniff at it after the first "leave it". Of course, she was supervised the entire time we were visiting. In addition to a giant chocolate house, I'm sure there were other non dog safe items around that I couldn't even anticipate, because my grandparents are not pet owners. But everything was fine.


  1. Oh, Elka is a good dog! :-D (And that was an amazing chocolate house!)

    1. She is so good! I think that I take her goodness for granted sometimes.

  2. I want a giant chocolate house. I really really do. Also, I want a dog good enough not to try to eat it. Koly is generally good about not touching chocolate, but that house...I dunno how anyone *could* resist it!

    1. I kept waiting, the entirety of Christmas weekend, for when we were going to bust into that house, and it never happened! Frankly, I'm surprised none of us pushed for it more.

      So really, now I want a giant chocolate house. One that it's mine to take apart and eat at my leisure!

  3. Woof! Woof! Happy Tasty Tuesday! YES chocolates are yummy for humans but no for dogs ... great job Elka. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

    1. It's scary, how not for dogs chocolate is. I'm glad it would take a lot for a dog as big as Elka, but still. We even have a "You can't have this, it's chocolate" phrase that Elka recognizes. When it's said, she give up on any kind of begging.

  4. With all that chocolate, you're very fortunate Elka is such a good girl. You've done a great job with her.

    1. Aw, thanks! We definitely had some specific requirements in mind when training her, and being able to trust her not to steal food objects was one of them. Granted, chocolate house also stayed entirely wrapped, which I think helped. Elka used to be afraid of plastic bags!

  5. She's a good girl! Good thing Elka is such a lady when she goes out!

    1. Well, her "check every room" frenzy when we arrived at my grandparents wasn't entirely ladylike (or entirely a frenzy, but it's a fun word to use!) I'm so very proud of her every time I have her someplace like that.

  6. Good girl. That chocolate is hard to resist. Oops that is me not resisting. :)

    1. I don't know how we did resist, truth be told. And how my grandparents resisted enough to give it away! At Christmas, though, there were plenty of other treats around. Apple pie bars, cookies.....
