
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tasty (Tennis ball) Tuesday: March 20 2012

So, remember how last year, I had the Tennis Ball posts and then ran out of different brands to try? I only got up to like, eleven I think. Twelve, if you do count the tennis ball bone. While I never made a post declaring the clear winner, I do think the Chuck It ball was way ahead of the curve in durability.

I did see another one, though. And I thought "Maybe. Maybe this is the one."

Bigger than a regular tennis ball, the "Mashers" tennis ball was far harder to squeeze. It seems that it's solid...rubber or whatever. Not hollow, like a regular tennis ball. 

Elka was, as always, a willing and vigorous participant. But, what's that?

Solid or not, the freaking thing is still covered with splittable, peelable, fuzz. And guess what the main problem I had with "sport" tennis balls in the first place? Fuzz. Fuzz that wears down doggie teeth. Fuzz that Elka, dear Elka, peels off of the tennis ball and chews up and strews on the floor and (I daresay) swallows if we're not wary.

You can see the starting to be deep teethmarks in the ball itself, that Elka so kindly exposed for your viewing pleasure. Great idea. I guess. But another fail.


  1. I decided long ago that tennis balls are interactive toys only, and my dogs are not allowed to chew on them. They have other toys to play with around the house, and other things to chew on.

    As a note, I did see a bit of research that showed that the tennis balls made for dogs actually wear down a dog's teeth faster than tennis balls made for tennis.

    1. Yes, I've mostly moved on to other toys (Gumby, kongs) for chew toys. I'll give her a tennis ball once in awhile still, for a special "please occupy yourself for five minutes" occasion, or to take pictures.

      I didn't know that dog tennis balls were WORSE. What is going on here?!

  2. All of our tennis balls seem to enter a Bermuda triangle located somewhere in the house.

    1. Check under the couch you don't think has enough space for them to fit. If you've got one of those. If not, space under sink/vanity? These are places I've found Elka's toys. I was completely mystified. She was ecstatic.

  3. I love hunting around tennis courts for tennis balls to donate to the shelter...amazing how sucha simple thing has the power to bring so much joy. Didn't know they wore down the pups' teeth though--but doesn't anything that they chew on?

    1. It might be an enamel thing specifically? I don't know. Everything does wear teeth though, doesn't it? It's one of those things, where you wonder what it is you need to concentrate on being careful about.

  4. Oh wow, Elka you got through that with no trouble!

    Mum only uses tennis ball for when we go for walks...otherwise they are a no no in the house!


    1. No trouble at all! It was amazing to behold.

  5. The Chuck It balls are by far my favourite. Shiva never had any ball drive at all until we found one of the chuck its outside in a sports field. I have no idea who left it there but we ended up taking it home in Shiva's mouth as she refused to drop it! I have no idea why she loves it so much as it doesn't even squeak. Silly dogs.

    1. I resisted buying the Chuck Its, because they were so expensive, but they really last a long time, especially if I don't actually let her just sit and chew on them.

  6. We just started buying tennis balls in bulk

    Stop on by for a visit

    1. I have a tennis playing coworker that gives them to me. Apparently they open a new can of balls per game, so she has a lot by the end of the season.

  7. Don't you hate when you get a new toy and the thing doesn't last as long as you hope it would?

    1. I do hate it. Especially when they cost a little more than I'm strictly happy with just sacrificing!

  8. I gave my parvo puppy a tennis ball; started seeing all this pink fuzz in her pen, wondered from where it came. Now the tennis ball will wait till she learns to fetch. I didn't know it wore down teeth, either.

    1. A pink one! Now that's fancy!

      I guess she'll just have to be happy with Kongs for now, huh?

  9. It looks like you've got a tennis ball connoisseur on your hands! lol I think Morgan might do that if she had the tennis ball in her possession for a while.

    1. I can still remember when she was tender and innocent, and popped her first tennis ball. It was loud! She dropped it, then picked it up and shoved it in my lap, backed off, and sat. Like, "fix it!"

  10. we have had the same experience with tennis balls of all varieties. desmond LOVES them but will quickly turn from chasing them to sitting down and destroying them. and we've found the same thing as you in regards to needing to take the ball--any ball--away once he sits to chew on it, because it will be done for in under a minute.

    we got ourselves one of those black kong balls, which desmond definitely cannot seem to break, but it's heavy and kind of hard (which is why he can't chew it, i guess) so it's not really safe for in-house fetching (which is where we do most of our fetching actually, as we have a semi-long space for it) and desmond doesn't seem to like it that much (i assume due to its inability to be chewed).

    one of these days, we'll find something that works for everyone!

    1. I have yet to get one of the black Kong balls, but I had another solid rubber ball that endangers our toes when Elka drops it. She also doesn't seem that much interested in it, perhaps because she can't just casually slay it.

      Dogs are weird!
