
Saturday, April 21, 2012

Flower Power Fundraiser update

Six days left to make a purchase for the Doberman Assistance Network Flower Power Fundraiser.

As of yesterday (April 20), the total was at $612, our of a goal of $1000. That's pretty close! April 27 is the cutoff for purchases, and really, I think that making the goal is possible!

The Doberman Assistance Network's mission statement is as follows:

The Doberman Assistance Network (DAN) mission is to help provide a second chance to Dobermans in urgent need of rescue.  DANs services include, but are not limited to, pulling, vetting, transporting, fostering and placing rescued Dobermans into an approved, reputable rescue group. 

Quoted from


  1. Hi Y'all,

    Hope y'all reach your goal! So many needy dogs and so few good safe homes. So little money to go around. :(

    Y'all come back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

    1. Thanks! Looks like it's getting pretty close.

  2. The purple dahlias are gorgeous! My dad digs his dahlia roots up and stores them in the basement every winter. They're the same plants my grandfather grew, which is pretty neat. We'll have to figure out where to put them. Beautiful flowers for a great cause!

    1. That is really neat, that they're the same plants your grandfather grew. That's a wonderful legacy to be a part of!

  3. Hey Elka! Thanks, I'd not heard of this organization before. I'll have to add it to my Pinterest board.

    1. Awesome, that's a great idea! I guess anybody doing a fundraiser can use them, I'm not really sure. This is the second Doberman Assistance Network fundraiser I've seen through them.
