
Friday, April 20, 2012

Rocking the Fanny Pack

Well, I finally did it. I bought a treat training pouch. That's what we in the dog world call it, anyway.

To the rest of the world, it's totally a fanny pack.

I was browsing items on Etsy, as one does, and found Sheekoo's store. There are a great deal of cool items there, including journals, which are a particular weakness of mine. However, there is also a lovely variety of dog treat training pouches.

There is a french hinge that keeps the treat compartment open, or closed, that also fits Elka's 20 foot leash. There is a tiny zipper pouch in the back, for keys and clicker and suchlike, and a small zipper pouch in the front, for whatever else you'd like to bring on a walk. There's also a place to stick poop bags.

The bag came with a few complimentary bags, an individually wrapped dog treat, and also a picture of Sheekoo's dog with a handwritten thank you note! Elka was happy to snarf the treat, so it was better than a Milkbone, as the princess will not consume those if she feels there's the possibility of other options. 

There's a certain point that a dog owner reaches, I feel. I had a shoulder bag that I'd been using that held the items I needed, and I tend to walk Elka wearing cargo shorts. Men's cargo shorts, in fact. A side question for my female readers: have you noticed how women's cargo shorts or pants don't have pockets worth a damn? I still need those pockets for cell phone and camera, and possibly a rope toy, but other than that? A bag is great.

And now, I've transitioned to the fanny pack. Treat training pouch. I made the step to using backup when walking her, which I hadn't before. Nobody has pointed and laughed when I've worn it, so I guess it's all right. And Elka doesn't mind.


  1. I love it! I am dying to find a "fanny pack" I can use when running with the dog, but this one looks like it would bounce too much. Still, I might buy one for regular walks, I love all the different pouches for keys, poop bags, etc. For awhile I was taking walks wearing a home depot tool belt filled with treats and I only got laughed at once ;-) I think as long as you have a dog with you people pretty much accept all the kooky things you carry along with you.

    1. I do run a bit with Elka, and while the bag does bounce/flop a bit, it isn't too terrible.

      I've heard of the Home Depot belt, but haven't gotten one of those myself. I do agree that people tend to just let things ride if you have a dog. It's kind of like if you have a baby, people just accept that as explanation enough!

  2. K, it's *totally* a fanny pack. You're rockin' the 80s! I refuse to succumb to the pouch pressure! I have an old coach over the should bag that I use. It looks way fancy and it holds treats, a toy and a water bottle.

    1. Oh a coach bag, excusez-mois!

      I did have one of those sideways-slung diaper bag backpack things for awhile. Is that worse or better than the fanny pack?

      Anyway. I loved the 80's. Other than the pop music.

  3. I have only ever ti find one pair of womens cargo shots with big pockets. I bought them, and they work great. But the pockets always seem to "puff out" even with nothing in them, making it look like I have reeeaaaallly chubby thighs haha.

    That's an awesome pouch though. I may have to invest in one soon!

    1. Yeah, I don't know what they're thinking when it comes to women's pants. Not everybody wants a purse all the time!

  4. oh gosh, i just know this is the road i'm headed down, but i'm still trying to fight it. the treats pouch i currently have really doesn't work if i'm not wearing a jacket or jeans.

    1. For awhile, I was good enough with just cargo pants and/or a jean jacket, but then it got nicer out. And then I added the 20 foot leash, which she can't wear for the whole walk, so I have to carry it to the park (and from it). I had a waterproof purse I got from Salvation Army that I used all last year, but this year, I caved.

  5. Have you all seen the Ezy Treat Dog Treat bag on, here's a Link -
