
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Bid on a Handmade collar, Help the Doberman Assistance Network

As I understand it, some people are collar junkies. Really, I only have one collar at a time for Elka, two right now because I got the waterproof collar for our beach vacation. Not that I think there's anything wrong with being a collar junkie; it's just not me. I do what I can to facilitate those folks, though, and so I bring you a beautiful and slightly over the top collar handmade by Cerberus Designs.

I've talked about the Doberman Assistance Network before, but I can't overstate the importance that DAN has for Dobermans in shelters and rescues in this country. I'm given to understand that the 13 Dobermans in Broome County Humane Society have had an interest taken in them (one might assume) by DAN, and if the Broome County Humane Society should choose to give those dogs over to rescue, they could hardly be in better hands.

The eBay auction is running until July 11, so if you want your big ol' dog to look like a total badass, go ahead and bid, and see if you win! I'll want to see pictures.


  1. Wow - that is pretty bad-a$$. Beautifully made though I'm not sure it's Bella's style. ;) (She's a real girlie-girl.)

    1. Yeah, I hear you. It is a pretty man-dog collar!

  2. SLIGHTLY over the top? Might be an understatement. I love it though. It's a Game of Thrones type of collar. Wonder how comfy it is.

    1. Well hey, if that's my worst understatement ever, I can live with that ;)

      I imagine it would be stiff at first (as leather is) and then soften up and be just lovely.

  3. That is a neat collar, but not sure how it would look on a Chessie. ;)

    1. Yeah, I think that collar begs for a smoother-coated breed! ^^ If you have any dog-friends who you think it would look good on, though, by all means spread the word!

  4. I admit, I am kind of a collar junkie. Well, more of a "is it related to a dog" stuff junkie since we don't use collars. ha, ha. That is about one of the most awesome collars I have seen. It's a little big and a little over the top for us though.

    1. Hah, yes, I hear you on the "dog stuff"!

      I felt the same way about the collar for Miss Elka, but wanted to spread the word!
