
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Dog Tag Art Giveaway: Winners announced!

Thank you very much, those of you who entered in the Dog Tag Art Giveaway! I always think that free stuff is exciting (that might be genetic) and am doubly excited when I'm the one who can provide it, or help facilitate, anyway.

Per usual, Miss Elka V is the one who presided over the selection ceremony.

As in prior giveaways, I wrote the entrants' names on slips of paper, folded them in half, and told Elka "Pick it up!"

And the first winner is....

Congratulations Colt! Will the tag be for Kaline, or Juno? Funny that the Doberman picked the Doberman (or Dobie mix). I look forward to seeing what you create!

Now, here's where we had a bit of a communications breakdown. See, Elka had already given me one piece of paper. She couldn't imagine why I would want her to pick up another one. So she brought me a sock. And her Monster Mouth. And Gumby.

She also went to her bed for a little while. And each of the couches. I felt bad that she was so confused, but to my dumb human senses, I was asking her for a repeat in the exact same way I'd asked the first time. 

I picked up the papers and scrunched them around more, and threw them down again. Then she showed a grudging indication of preference. Perhaps princess just wanted to play? Or have more dinner (does she ever not want more dinner)?

And so, winner number two is.....

Nola! Congratulations! The tags even came in Small and Large, so you don't have to end up with a tag that's disproportionate to the rest of you.

So, Colt and Nola, do please email me at TheElkaAlmanac AT Gmail DOT com, and I will email you the codes for you to redeem your respective prizes at! Yay to the winners, and thanks everybody for playing!


  1. Oh I'm so excited! Haha, whenever I do a giveaway with multiple winners I always have to pick the second one because someone doesn't feel like cooperating. Thank you for hosting the giveaway!
    Nola's Mom

  2. Yayyyy!! No idea who gets it ... Probably Juno, since she's better at guilt tripping!
