
Sunday, August 19, 2012

Young Dog Blog Seeks Supportive Sponsor

Young dog blog seeks supportive sponsor.


  • Walks on a sunny day
  • Products made in the USA
  • High quality treats and kibble
  • Discussion of an end to breed discrimination

Can offer:

  • Ad space
  • Featured/sponsored posts
  • Elka endorsement
  • Honest support of products that I favor

Those of my blogging buddies who have landed themselves sponsorships, how did you do it? I'd love to hear about it! Did you write letters? Were you approached? Have you maintained the same sponsorship relationships for the duration of your blogging?


  1. Hmmm My mommy would like to know more about this too. Maybe you make post when you finds out?


    1. Yes, I will post when I find out more! I've been making gestures at researching it, and will be happy to share my process, should it get going!

  2. in the mean time if you want I'll stick your button on my site if you like - ive no problem supporting blogs i read daily for free!

    1. Awesome, thanks so much for the offer! Of course, now I'll have to make a button.....I'm sure I can figure it out!

  3. Ditto Mason the dog. Have a brilliant Sunday.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. I would love to know myself!! You would be a great blog to get spoonsored!!!!


    1. Aw, thanks!

      Yeah, it's one of those things where I hear that people have sponsorships, but it's seemed like kind of a mystical process.

  5. I'm afraid I've no helpful hints as I haven't even thought about it much less pursued it. But I certainly hope you get some answers - and a sponsorship. :)

    1. I didn't think about it until more recently, so it's definitely new territory!

  6. Hey Elka!

    We nominated you for an award, but mommy sees you already have its now..:(


    1. Thanks so much for the award nomination!

      I don't think that there's a limit on how many times people can get it, and I really appreciate it ^^

    2. No probs! Did you know we are running a contest? You already are a google connector I see so alls you have to do is send mommy a photo of you with any sort of friend (stuffie, human, or 4 legged), blog link(s), who is in photo, and any other info u wanna gives her! You can emails it to my emails: organism18 (at)gmail (dotcom)!


  7. Good luck on the sponsorship Elka. I think you should make this post a separate page to welcome advertisers into your blog. And don't forget to include your stats and page rankings.

    I hope that helps. I think having Adsense is a good start. May I suggest placing it on the Skyline (header) area of your blog.

    Huggies and Cheese,


    1. Thanks, having a separate page about sponsorship is a great idea! That's something I'll work on this week probably.

  8. We were just approached by companies wanting links or banners.

  9. Be careful of those emails from companies that will pay for a link ad. Google frowns on that. Persistence, emails to companies, check local places too.

    1. Thanks for the tip, I appreciate it!

      I have considered a couple of local places, but I haven't approached anybody yet. Stats-wise, it doesn't look like I have many local readers.

  10. Some of our blogging pals list their ad spaces on sites that help gather publishers and advertisers in the same place. Take a look at:

    The information on those sites gives you a good idea of what you might be able to charge for different ad sizes and types.

    We've been approached by companies wanting to buy sponsored links and ads. If you sell any kind of ad space make sure it's "no follow" and be sure and let the advertiser know that any ad you sell is "no follow". If you do not it goes against Google Webmasters TOS.

    I have not pursued any advertisers/sponsors for my blog. I've been working on a media kit to show advertisers exactly what kind of advertising options are available on my blog, but it's been slow going. I'm hoping to have that done by the end of this month as a few advertisers are waiting for me to send them copies of the media kit.

    I currently run AdSense and it makes more money than any advertiser has offered me for the same ad space. AdSense is very low maintenance and Google is very good about sending me a check every month (I don't have to worry about collection).

    I've run Chitika ads on my site in the past as well. It's like AdSense, but didn't perform as well. I also include Amazon Affiliate links in some of my blog posts.

    I hope that helps. Good luck finding sponsors!

    1. Awesome, thank you for the help (and for reminding me in Twitter that this might have gone to Spam. It did. Oops!)

      A "media kit" should definitely be my next step (or should I finish my dog training book first? Or that thing to maybe send to Dogster? Eek, I lack focus!), I have seen the suggestion (or declaration) to have a media kit when using The Google to research on this topic.

      Thank you for highlighting the "nofollow" thing; I read the TOS when I signed up for the blog, but didn't remember every detail, and I think that was one I didn't fully understand at the time. Definitely want to keep Google happy with me!

  11. What a cute way to discuss this. I wonder the same thing and am very curious about what you'll learn.

    1. Hah, thanks! I'll definitely share my intellectual bounty!
